Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling which may involve hundreds of millions of money. Because of the larger amount -

129756355710468750_20Wang Fangyan Chu Yun "because some banks breach charges may be development and Reform Commission recently sentenced to heavy penalties.  "On March 6, bankers told reporters. The Bank said due to some SME reflects too much excessive bank charges, some areas of national development and Reform Commission on banking charges late last year pilot direct search, and a State-owned bankWenzhou branch, a stock line of Wenzhou and other State-owned banks in Hankou branch, where a State-owned bank of Wenzhou branch violations charges more serious, involving some hundreds of millions of dollars. However, the banking sector, this check the storm but has only just begun. A stake in Jiangsu branch official said, after the pilot checked at the end of last year, in March this year the changeAlso check bank charges in the country, could cover around the level branches, could also extend to the second-level branch. Bank charges will also be included in the work of the State Council's Office for checking unhealthy tendencies in this year one of the important contents.  Not only that, in April, the CBRC will also check on them. Checker is the banking sector faces greater pressure. Regulatory experts believe that messFees actually exists behind the interest rate regime and other aspects of the reasons, if only of administrative consolidation, you may piecemeal, stopgap. Intend to set up for the ticket in October last year, in Zhejiang research Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council, stressed, to clear the small micro-enterprises as a key support for object, referred in particular to clean up is not a reasonable fee and security depositRequest, investigate and deal with violations, effectively reducing credit costs. "In this context, national development and Reform Commission started conducting a pilot direct and search for some banks. "The Bank said, the pilot checked the major banks charge for small micro-enterprise loans, and other fees wot power leveling, such as account management fees and so on," but the check result is not very optimistic."Reporters confirmed, national development and Reform Commission against three banks after checking the above, found a branch of the State-owned bank of Wenzhou charges about violations of more than 400 million Yuan, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the administrative punishment of price-related violations, may be confiscated after violation charges, punishable by fine of 1-5 times, which may involve hundreds of millions of money. Because of the larger amount, before development and Reform Commission in punishmentCan also be further facts to confirm with the Bank, the Bank will also begin to plead, and final punishment is still not known. Last November the Commission arbitrarily delay cancel password loss of Societe Generale, the postal savings bank fined a total of $ 5.8 million.  However, this penalty is expected to be much more than this. In fact, the national development and Reform Commission for banking charges for inspections are just the beginningBegins.  In mid-February this year, national development and Reform Commission was held in Hangzhou municipal commercial bank fees check the Forum, relevant official national bank check this year to be fast, accurate and stable, established bank charges irregularities and reduce corporate financing costs. "Recently we had a meeting to deploy, meet the national development and Reform Commission checks. "Head of the shares in NanjingSaid from the head office to branch as one of their top priorities in the near future. In addition wot power leveling, the regulator has issued a regulation to the banks notice irregular operation of banking institutions, violation of the Bank in the process of business transformation fee for special. Currently banks have received files, and will expand the inspection activities. CBRC required banks before the end of March to produce self-Divisions, then check to the Bank. Malformation examination and abnormal charges a branch of unreasonable fees up to hundreds of millions of, is staggering. Reporter temporarily limited access to specific details of its violation, but people familiar with the matter said, violation charges banks, said the State-owned bank of Wenzhou branch charges hit acts expressly prohibited by the relevant departments, therefore punishmentMay be relatively large.  In February of this year, China Banking Regulatory Commission, the Central Bank, the national development and Reform Commission jointly drafted the administrative measures on the prices of commercial banking services (draft for soliciting opinions) (hereinafter referred to as the way of), to the public for comments. Violation charge a service fee for breeding grounds around the loan problem, the CBRC has made "no loans rolled over wot power leveling, no loan fees, noLoan linked, floating profit is not allowed, not allowed to float to the top, no loans bundled in, are not allowed to pass on costs. "  In addition, CBRC required banks to be "four fair", that is, in the loan business in the process, banks to do "compliance fees, pricing, open and transparent, with quality and cutting charges none other". "We introspection, some charges have been returned to the small and medium enterprises. ”Said one bank, took turns checking and public opinion has been that they face greater pressures.  At the same time, each month they also face pressure in the head of the profit indicators, market share ranking, performance evaluation of numerous. Facing life difficult in SMEs, as well as the facts in front of the huge profits of banking, bank charges and rectification there is obviously a certain amount of sense. However, a number ofPeople in the industry think, if only the regulation of movement, the effect may not be ideal.  In fact, there are deeper reasons behind the fees. The Bank said nearly two years of intermediate business of banks in order to increase revenue, reduce capital occupied, increase the intensity of intermediate business of staff assessment. Financial advisory fees charged by the Bank for small micro-enterprises, limit useMuch is essentially interest transfer fee. "Assessment of intermediate business income accounted for a large part. We put 100 million loan, interest rate floating 10%, our pay-for-performance is $ 10,000, but if it is converted into intermediary business revenue, so to reward the Customer Manager might be parts per thousand, much greater efforts. "A State-owned bank account manager。  Other shares, said the Bank's intermediate business without capital income, sales assessment award at 10%, taking up about business income is 5% in the middle of the capital. Behind the malformation of the assessment, a bigger reason is that banks implement credit control last year, causing credit serious imbalance between supply and demand on the market, further pushing up the price of money, Also make the condition of bank charges. "Many reasons such as high profits, fees were interest rate system, not just the banking problems, to really solve the problem also needed deep reforms.   "Experts believe a bank supervision. Arbitrary collection of national development and Reform Commission March planned Bank inspections suspended Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission will try to charge additional terms of bank creditFees transformed ordinary loans converted into accepting bank fees windfall over oil tobacco depositor total bank fees customers always get a knife to knife costs at a time says things have never announced the CBRC bank charge five maximum line pressure regulation of bank fees new rules no regulation of bank fees to consumers have the right to bargain

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