Friday, March 30, 2012

star wars credits Jiang Yonglin - OOK

129773438694687500_380Yuan Chinese urban love plays the nest a few days ago marriage was hit the screen. The play diablo 3 power leveling, Yuan Zhongfang, and Huang Ming, Wang likun, Naiwen Li, a number of warlords Idol stars staged a campaign after the difficult journey of the young men to fight for room. Among them, played between played by Ming Huang and Ning Ning Yang Linan Yuan Zhongfang mind love is deeply touched the hearts of the audience. In the motherAnd boyfriend of "wedding wars", played by the Chinese Yuan Ning Ning is tangled, but eventually decided to be loyal to one's own heart, courageous choice "naked marriage" married diablo 3 gold, very moved audience. Rookie Yuan Zhongfang graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy of strength, he worked in many film and video has very good performance star wars credits, MA Feng Jiang Director Diego played her in the hotel shot Wen Wen,Zhang Guoli Director of the you are my lover who played in Bing, Wan Chenghua Director behind the smoke of war played in the Japan Women's xicunhuizi, although age is unlikely, but the Chinese Yuan has been successfully shaped a lot of vivid characters, and was favored by many filmmakers and audiences alike. At the wedding in the nest, played Ning Ning Yuan Zhongfang mother and boyfriend "the marriage war"Struggling in a storm, has gone through a lot of mental torture. Meet "rich man" after Director Hu, Ning Ning also faces temptation of 200 square meters large House and packages, but she still insists that "only married Yang Linan" idea, finally chose the "naked marriage" married, lived a Chinese Yuan in the play after the girl in a physical struggle between love and of course. In the play of strychnineNing stick to my own heart the real choice, and the Chinese Yuan also said: "I agree with Ning Ning choice, ' naked wedding ' is not terrible, and his favorite people together, work together, is the most important. "(Editor: Jiang Yonglin) Others:

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