Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling Central Government - EFY

129756442807500000_80CPPCC National Committee members were former Minister of Ministry of science and Technology Xu Guanhua.   Yesterday, members of the National Committee of former Minister of Ministry of science and Technology Xu Guanhua, an interview with reporter, on the reform of science and technology and innovation. The Beijing News: you often refer to enhance innovation capacity in China. Ningbo scheme proposed by the Government last year: spent $ 50 million and spend five years to create 10 jobs. How can youYou see? Recommended reading India's rich iron ore agreement there as Asia's richest man Li Ka-shing, the second price Wanda says layoffs or drop 10% 35% grace 20% myth throughout the postal sector inventories delicious morning star urgent assets two Pepsi Cola Giants stuck cancer-small beautiful scenery and fresh beauty into two sessions [gushen Kings] daily limit King came to waterMr. Zhao Xiao: from hot to see a problem Xu Guanhua between ARATS and SEF: the Government create jobs itself unscientific. How can Steve Jobs makes it? Made out of the Government. He was created by market conditions. Government not to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm of science and technology. I stressed the need to follow the "mushroom theory". Is the Government to create an environment in which there is a certain amount of air, there is a certain amount of water, There is a certain amount of humidity, mushrooms will grow, Governments not to types of mushrooms, mushrooms and also don't want to choose, but to create such an environment, an ecology.   Is not fully out of the planned system of government management Beijing News: but some people think the Government is almost omnipotent? Xu Guanhua: the theory on economic development, development of science and technology are available. Government inAreas of non-market competition, you can do a lot of things.   Or is China's advantage, but in the market too much emphasis on the role of the Government in the field of competition, to engage in the things that pull up seedlings to help them grow wot power leveling, I think it is difficult to succeed. The Beijing News: power is often associated with interest.   Decentralization is very difficult. Xu Guanhua: so this means reforming the Government fundamentally to the planned economyUnder government management, do a thorough reform, in accordance with the management approach to management of the market economy.   Now be said to have a great deal of progress, but our government management in General, is not freed from under the planned economic system.   Central People's livelihood can be set index Beijing News: this is where the reform does not completely? Xu Guanhua: delegation of authority to stressMoves such as the GDP now orientation, for a country's development, and on the very high level of macroeconomic regulation and control, GDP is needed.   But world of tanks power leveling, as a sector, as a local, I consider it necessary to abolish the GDP-oriented.   The Beijing News: transforming government functions is difficult, what to do? Xu Guanhua: Government not to go to so many projects,Central Government, does not make it (local) projects, it is possible. Can set the objective examination of other mechanisms, such as people's livelihood has done what, of the local population's income gap, health insurance, education does happen. The assessment objectives. Local officials will naturally come.   Now the baton has a problem. The Beijing News: are you familiar with the science and technologyField, baton questions? Xu Guanhua: is also looking at papers in the field of science and technology, you win the prize. Not just technology, intellectuals are like that, that creates a very command and direction of the error. Comment on Professor does not impart knowledge and educate people, paper, doctors not moral medicine, thesis prize, wrong baton took the entire intellectual into a wrong direction, pursuing theseImpulsive things, inevitably causing corruption.   The Beijing News: How did the wand? Xu Guanhua: this is for historical reasons. Big in the past, leadership decisions. After the big reform, cake has a method, but for quite some time, research institutes world of tanks power leveling, University leadership, lacking a sufficient number of authoritative and comprehensive evaluation system to solve the problem, andThe most simple way, is to see winning entries and papers. This has played a positive role in certain historical periods, at least hit big, hit some of the corruption. But now increasingly unsuited to the development of the situation.

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