Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera power leveling 2012 Gold network 500 - OOG

129757007345156250_10Xiuyangfeng: janitor who drove to work tenderness of privileged comments view mobile phone free March 08, 2012 Gold network 500) this.width=500'align='center'hspace=10Vspace=10> 52, Wu Jianguo is people in Hunan province, a factory in Dongguan "sanitation team leader", recently saved more than 30,000 yuan to buy a second-hand car transport, factory parking rejected by the executive head, Lao Wu was sad, that is discrimination. The Executive Director said, Lao Wu as a janitor, the company was good enough for him, and not be too demanding, "working personnelBuying a car is not necessary and wages are not enough fuel. "This raises fierce disputes. (March 6, the Wuhan evening news) in this matter diablo 3 gold, should first be recognized problem is: the denial of Lo Wu, head into the plant stopped is there to follow? The competent Lao Wu claims that expressly provided in the employee handbook "workers are not allowed to drive to work" tera power leveling, Lao Wu turned manual also did not find the terms�� When interviewed by reporters after, head of employee handbook says no longer matter, but moved out of the old and new reasons to worry about Wu's car was scratched in the plant caused disputes. Such rhetoric does not hold water, it can only show that: refuse to Lo Wu, head into the plant to stop, not in the implementation of rules and regulations of the factories, which are purely your own likes and dislikes people who put down by force to a lower position than he. Every unnaturalBehind the total bizarre psychological hidden logic, the head is no exception. Questions and answers with reporters, "I also have a car for the time being, I do not want to work in outside people to buy cars" this sentence suddenly exposed me as head of his mind really thinks are not buying cars diablo 3 power leveling, Wu Jianguo you were just cleaning, why drive to work? To put it bluntly, this is competent or vaingloriousEnvy at work in his subconscious, "go to work" is the identity of a man of privilege, which rounds are sweeping the Board of workers? "Wages are not enough fuel" this looks like the kind of acid, but his arrogance and contempt for workers at the bottom show most vividly. Such acts, not naked identity what is discrimination? Coincidentally, this argument does notIn a few, many netizens agreed with the supervisor said, believe that Lo Wu this publicity, be humble as well. The logic of this is so ironic. No legal regulations in China cleaners cannot buy a car to drive, old cars more than 30,000 yuan Wu was derived from his hard work, he spent their own money after carefully weigh up the circle "has a own car" dreamDue to who? "Divide the various grades and ranks" feudal hierarchical too deeply rooted, and it permeated life in every detail, in the thinking of many, "the workers at the bottom" is "poor bad off" term for "go to work" was bad, how he could sashay glide or move into the plant? This is the head of the logic is. If it is soAlso, the competent use of the terms push its own likes and dislikes, its essence is still "power rights violations", but he did argue plausibly, impressive since this is the crux of the event. Is regrettable, in the face of blatant discrimination, we condemn, unable to find effective ways to sanction the head, first, because the laws in this regard are still blankAnd second, because this sort of thing, in reality too common, and many people have used. Others:

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