Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera gold related listed companies re business profits surge - SXL

129756542903593750_24Stabilising prices next quarter are expected to pick up rare earth stocks performed strongly dramatic growth in the number of rare earth business profits of listed companies rare earth stocks recently rebounded, performance, eye-catching. Prices show signs of stabilising stopped falling in the first quarter, bring imagination to investors. Analysts said that downstream applications of rare earths in May or June to usher in peak season, when rare earth and its price is expected toA rebound. Strong rare earth stocks since the beginning of this round of rally, baotou steel rare earth (600,111, market information, the major trading), rising Nonferrous (600,259 shares, market, news, main trading) gains reached around and 50%, respectively. Although rare earths collapse in prices in the second half of last year a wave, but still well above 2010 level, related listed companies re business profits surge, in which net profit growth of up to 330% of baotou steel rare earth. Prices also fell in the first quarter are signs of stabilisation, bring imagination to investors. Once price highs near the collapse 50%2011 year prices soaring in the first half, prices of many varieties of four or five times. InAfter the boom, prices start from July fell, manufacturers cut production in the lower, dragged down by weak demand, and EIA testing also makes some of the Environmental Protection Department was once a moratorium on the production of enterprises. Shanghai nonferrous metals net according to track data, most of the iconic "lanthanum oxide, neodymium, praseodymium oxide, oxidation of cerium oxide" four varieties of fall in the last 6 months are in the vicinity of 50%, prices"These conditions". Despite the crash, but prices remained around 1 time times higher than in early 2011, with lanthanum oxide and cerium oxide prices are still around nearly 1.5 times higher than in early 2011. Fell to stabilise Sino-US economic stability limit decreases after prices plunged by nearly half, now show signs of stabilising stopped falling. ShanghaiNetwork Analyst Wei Chishan analysis says that the first quarter of 2012, with the Environmental Protection Department published lists of standard enterprise, rare earth smelting enterprises will be resuming production, leading right back to manufacturing companies in the market, stability, quality and quantity of supply can be guaranteed, however the lower on weak consumption continues to be the maintenance of rare earth, rare earth total supplies will still remainLeft. Current industry on the first quarter of 2012 diablo 3 gold, the market remains pessimistic, but the United States economy is robust recovery, China's economic growth is still stable, this will limit the price decreases, prices bottomed in the process. Market forecast in May or June the downstream sector will welcome the season the State encourages the development of new energy, new materials and other industriesRequires a large number of rare earth metals, announced at the end of January of the year of the non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five repeatedly referred to the positive development of new materials in the planning, long term, under the national policy of support to substantive increase in the demand for rare earth metals. Really improved in the market may have to wait until May or June, re the downstream industry is mainly the application of wind power, lighting, LED, homeElectrical industries, construction of wind power and lighting, in May or June is the peak season, which will boost demand for rare earth metals. At the same time in May or June is also purchasing season air conditioning industry, therefore, the rare earth market is the high season, when rare earth products and prices are expected to rebound. "But the most important thing is to look at the overall macroeconomic environment, in particular the European debt crisis frequent eruptionsNew problems. Industry views are two or three quarters of Europe and the economy could be improved, it will also stimulate exports of rare earths and its products tera gold, support on price formation. "Wei Chishan said. Equities rising nonferrous metals share price nearly doubled since the beginning of the year in the course of this wave of backlash, rare earth stocks performed strongly. Mixer unit at baotou steel rare earth (600,111,Information, the major trading) from the end of 2011, the prices have rallied less than $ 35 to $ 55, an increase of more than 55%. Largest rare earth separation,--rising Nonferrous Smelting enterprises (600,259 shares, market, news, main trading) was in the same period rose from $ 32 to $ 62, up nearly 100%. In addition, shares in (000758 a share, market information, the major trading), Xiamen tungsten (600 tera gold,549 shares, market, news, main sale) and other rare earth stocks have also accumulated substantial gains. Strong performance of rare earth stocks associated with his beautiful performance. Baotou steel rare earth announcements, benefit from national implementation under the stimulus of rare-earth industry development policy, of rare earth product prices in the first half ofPer cent rose sharply, making performance boost. Although product prices in the second half with better recall, company's 2011 annual results for the year has increased by more than 330% per cent. Rising Nonferrous Smelting of rare earth separation and ranking first in the industry. Net profit in the first three quarters of growth rates of up to 615.7%. Xiamen tungsten (600,549 shares,Information, the major trading) also said in announcements, 191.71% per cent growth in net profits last year. Analysts said the strength in the rare earth stocks, on the one hand the performance increase in all listed companies in the forefront, attracted the attention of investors. The other hand, when the market picks up later, rare earth stocks again so popular these days, after all, its scarcity is very attractiveInvestors. (Guangzhou daily) sinolink securities: Gold large shocks, recommended copper-rare earth and portfolio recommendations: expectations of medium-and long-term liquidity in the eurozone after LTRO2 continued to loose value very low. National level, new lending in the January and February data General, overall, consistent with our overall liquidity has improved compared with the worst judgment. FundamentalsShang, not much has changed, the market does not give too many fundamentals expected, we remained neutral on the whole optimistic point of view, on the income of the European Central Bank meeting this week whether further interest rate cuts and the United States in February employment data recommends paying close attention. Configuration continues to recommend on rare earth, and copper. We repeated short-term continued optimistic about the rebound continued insistence on the grounds that the fundamental collapse unlikelyAnd certainty of the easing of liquidity is larger. Copper-rare earth and continue to recommend. ����Specific combinations are: baotou steel rare earth, three rings, Galaxy magnet, Tongling Nonferrous and Liyuan iron and aluminum. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk. Others:

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