Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tera gold right hand - LCV

129732242200783750_50SINA sports news last month quezhen Hungary, and Slovenia after two stations open, members of the Group of Beijing Olympic Games champion Guo Yue held not among this month's lineup of Asian Championship. China men and ping was sent as expected "five Tiger General" Ma Lin, and Wang Hao, and Xu Xin and Zhang Jike, and Malone, female team of Jim dinning, Li Xiaoxia, Guo Yan and Liu Shiwen 4 main is selected, and the first twoInternational competition, almost at previous world series main groups Guo Yue Vujan (microblogging) are replaced.  At a time when London Olympics countdown list day, not in foreign games in a row tera gold, Guo Yue, has been in a very bad state. Nearly 4 years singles accomplish little of Wang Nan and Zhang Yining (micro-blogging) fades out after the table tennis circles, female Ping Guo Yue becomes the most senior national champion。  Guo Yue is known very early, born in 1988, she played as early as 2004 World table tennis championship team main, Member of the group is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games champion, such a distinguished record, in front of Li Xiaoxia, and Guo Yan as well as small Grace Ting Ning, Liu Shiwen, once lead is considerable. However, the entry "post-Deng era" after Guo Yue did not seize the advantage, The two years she was in the international arenas singles little highlights, 2010 World table tennis championship team was one of the portfolio, but erratic state policymakers dare not pinned to her, result in the team only has a portfolio of experience that she lost the final of the Olympic Games. Ultimate ping no match for women in China Singapore, deploy coaching blunders, but Guo Yue continued not to force is also an indisputable fact that。  2010 tera gold, season, Guo Yue to fight foreign wars lost 4 and 3, respectively, are women team up to all the main, full of young talent of the year-free style. Guo Yue the team worse at the same time, the tree from Jim dinning has flourished, even claimed the world table tennis championships and the World Cup last year's singles champions, especially chopping ability has improved significantly. Another small Liu Shiwen world table tennis championshipAfter losing the match has gone through a period of sluggish state rallied at the end of last year, launched a strong challenge on veterans. Li Xiaoxia overall performance while tepid, often in international competition to take second place, but her performance of foreign wars is great. Together with Li Xiaoxia were veterans of the Olympic Games in London by policymakers escalated ahead of Guo Yan, the former for some time to do less than half a year ago, but before the Olympic GamesView equally well with Guo Yue. Doubles box die alone lineup based on the overall performance of the international competition in recent years, Guo Yue and Li Xiaoxia in doubles is a brand of Chinese female ping undisputed, Guo Yue and Li Xiaoxia called international a perfect match for the table tennis circles, two people since 2005 formal cooperation in the international arena after displaying the power, after the Wang Nan/Zhang Yining world 2nd, women's doubles。 King's two "big sister" after retiring, Guo Yue/Li Xiaoxia, upgraded to first doubles, subsequent performance proves that this Union is the perfect match for the table tennis circles women's doubles in the world today: a fast, steady; a left hand, right hand; third before a vicious, a technology sth Combines maximum reach of disadvantages, called complement each other.Secured with these technical features, Wang Nan and Zhang Yining after retiring, Guo Yue/Li Xiaoxia has been a landmark of China Women's doubles doubles. Taking into account the Olympic tickets limited, female male Ping ping and in China in the past three years, often on the main mix, after several years of experimentation, almost all other combinations have failed in the war history, but Guo Yue/Li Xiaoxia in the international arenaAlways in an invincible position. Guo Yue, and in the case of her singles record remains weak, and Li Xiaoxia cooperation doubles as her life-saving straw, speaking from a different angle, of course, this "straw" has become the subject of decision-making levels is difficult to crack. Attended by Guo Yue is not the Olympics, doubles victory hard to ensure 100%; Guo Yue, taken away her singles canIs also unknown.  For anyone, is a "Goldbach conjecture". According to the present signs, Guo Yue are likely to be marginalized by decision-makers, international quezhen, ICBM competition in a row is one example. In addition, even with Guo Yue and Li Xiaoxia twin is characterised by, but if you still cannot find her singles game when the fabulous, has the potential to become one of the Chinese female team bane。 And against China Team, opponents know doubles will Li Xiaoxia/Guo Yue, ACE in the hole is likely to become one of the Chinese team Zhang licensing, portfolio appearance against death by box. Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Japan and other major rivals to strengthen gender-training, Li Xiaoxia/Guo Yue are characterised by, but in the London Olympics in this particular field, who can guarantee that Li Xiaoxia/Guo YueAppearance is foolproof? Olympic finalized three weak Guo Yue, Guo Yan, Li Xiaoxia has escalated ahead of the London Olympic Games lists, plus the fabulous Grace Ting Ning last year, China ping women's Olympic team has been fixed?  Apparently not, according to the current situation, ping women's Olympic squad in China is still a mystery. First of all, on Guo Yan, Li Xiaoxia advanceReported that the threshold was not referring to her two new London Olympic Games. At that time, countries reported Wang Hao ping tera gold, Zhang Jike and Li Xiaoxia, Guo Yan 4, due to four separate world ranking men's singles, women's singles the first two names, in accordance with the relevant provisions, if the first-ranked player after escalation, top players will automatically lose their rights to London Olympic Games competition, so 4 people for forecasting candidates such as Wang Hao,Is the safest method. If Li Xiaoxia, Guo Yan won the trust of decision-makers, then the Olympic Games 3rd person would be chosen from the other players. Instead, the top two candidates have re-election. Who can enter the London Olympics? Is still unclear, at least to the world table tennis championships, held from March 25 to April 1 team can only be determined after. Candidates in 2004 Athens Olympic GamesCases, singles at that time up louder and louder is Zhang Yining, Wang Nan and Li Ju of 3 people, but the world table tennis championship team Li Ju in the semi-final beaten by rivals, this defeat as she finally out of key.  Seen in this light, even high is currently the voice of Jim dinning, Li Xiaoxia and Liu Shiwen trio, also did not win grasp. After the end of the world table tennis championship team, Chinese female team for the qualifiers in Asia whoSelected will determine, which is commonly referred to as only the third person to take part in team sports. At that time, Chinese female Olympic team in London in order to lift the veil of the ping. (Wang Quanli)

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