Monday, March 19, 2012

tera power leveling ratio target is 5.8% - YLG

129756501047031250_172Meeting the mesh, March 6-Spain bond on Tuesday (March 6) continue to pressure, 10-year Spain yields the return above 5%, as investors worried about the country's weak economic growth tera power leveling, while concerns about Spain unilaterally amend budget deficit targets could lead the country to the European Union (EU) have a conflict. Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (MarIano Rajoy) on Friday (March 2) said after the Summit ended diablo 3 gold, Spain 2012 budget deficit/gross domestic product (GDP) ratio target is 5.8% tera gold, and the European Union as Spain set targets far from 4.4%. Spain 10-year bond yield is higher than the same period since Friday on Italy yieldsAnd for the first time since August last year. Within days, Spain yields on 10-year Treasury rose to 5.04%, than the day before yesterday by 10 basis points; Italy yields by 5 per cent, to 4.97%.

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