Tuesday, March 13, 2012

world of tanks power leveling local debt of 250 billion dollars - KSX

129756501042812500_165Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council on March 5, five times in plenary session of the national people's Congress made the Government work report at the meeting, said the gross domestic product growth target for this year is 7.5%, consumer price gains control at about 4%.   From the perspective of market response, adjustment of stock exchange market, strength in the bond market. For the bond market world of tanks power leveling, the two indicators are some PikeShield. GDP reduction, on behalf of the economic growth is still falling cycle; CPI maintained high 4%, it means management has a high degree of tolerance for inflation.   Economic growth was aided by the drop on the bond market, but higher inflation and curb the decline in bond yields world of tanks power leveling, it looks as if we still kind of stagflation cycle. GDP target cuts last year had been expectedBut recent market under the optimistic expectations of easing this year and GDP8%-8.5%, suddenly see the target of 7.5% policy does not change, must appear on the market expected in the psychological gap. CPI target 4% is reasonable, but also a bit surprised. So serious inflation environment last year, CPI target 4%, widely expected this year cPI in-3.5%, remains 4%, pretty easy. $ 800 billion budget deficit this year, target 900 billion over last year dropped by 100 billion, of which $ 550 billion fiscal deficit of the Central wot power leveling, local debt of 250 billion dollars, your debt amount may be declined, debt issuance increased slightly. ThisYears of monetary policy remained strong, broad money targets growth 14%, that stated the incremental credit will not be too high, enabling bond, and funds will not be too loose, relatively neutral impact on the bond market.

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