Saturday, March 31, 2012

swtor credits prices are cheaper than olive oil. From the industrial point of view - EGY

129770761438437500_102"People are not mice, not so many people health and safety risks of the experiment.   "This year the" two sessions "during the" father of hybrid rice "Yuan longping's remarks triggered another social hot on the safety of genetically modified foods. People usually access the most frequent genetically modified foods than soy oil. "Transgenic" questionedHad one for many years first of rapeseed oil in edible oil industry in China, whether out of the forgotten corner, take the rise? Rapeseed oil, suffered "out of 10" on March 18, the reporter entered the Nanjing xinjiekou Wal-Mart supermarket, huge oil counters on the second floor, only two or three brands of rapeseed oil, and without exception are placed on the shelves of the lowest locationsBest place is brand of sunflower seed oil, peanut oil diablo 3 power leveling, soybean oil. Salesman told reporters that sales usually soybean reconciled oil is the best of the high-end that of sunflower oil and peanut oil, "not many people buy canola oil." Investigation on the domestic market, the last 10 years diablo 3 power leveling, because imports of genetically modified soybean oil price advantage, local experiences of rapeseed oil "lost 10 years ", are not popular. Genetically modified foods are safe, although there is no conclusion yet, but a lot of people have "pay more attention".   Nanjing foreign language school canteen before the forest is used in genetically modified soybean oil, parents ' Committee to the school recommendations to use peanut oil, considered more suitable for the child. This matter, from a note, people choose non-GM foodOil, rapeseed oil tends not to be concerned, in the eyes of many consumers, local community not only has a smell of rapeseed oil and "lower grade". The latest statistics show, 2011 national agricultural imports and the trade deficit hit a record high, in particular oil and import quantities of cotton, soybean, rapeseed and cotton industry in China under import impact collapse, national oil Council"Three in the oil bottle, two carry in the hands of foreigners."   This situation is certainly worrying, domestic rapeseed oil can provoke a burden? Native canola oil, all non-transgenic-Huai Ocean University, Associate Professor, Department of food engineering Meng Xu told reporters, rapeseed oil is a cruciferous plant Brassica (Cole) seed press systems, previously we all think it a little boostAnd a certain degree of toxicity, this is because the vegetable oil contains a certain amount of glucosinolate, sinigrin, but by breeding and food processing, can now be eliminated. Suzhou Lu Li is the home of the people "be the chef man", he has the best voice of the perennial using rapeseed oil. "Said total edible oil with a brand on the Internet and is not very good, so we made a point of standing of rapeseed oil in the House mixPrice also cheaper. Now big brands technology early clearance, do not have their own kind of smell oil, especially the fried vegetables, fragrant very Ah!   "Lu Li also raised a question: supermarket brands also have identified genetically modified and non-genetically modified rapeseed oil, is rapeseed oil is genetically modified food? Provincial Institute of agricultural cash crops to build national oil crops improvementCentral Nanjing Center and rape seed breeding base of agriculture, rapeseed oil is the authority on research. Director Qi Cunkou researcher told a press conference, the province is one of the main producing areas of rape, rapeseed oil used to be the main cooking oil in Jiangsu Province, still in the Soviet Union, County in southern Jiangsu edible oil market accounted for the leading role. At present mainly rapeseed oil imported from Canada, GM;Domestic rape, did not include genetically modified special, so as long as the native of rapeseed oil, all non-genetically modified. Look forward to supporting, usher in spring "River Bay, clear water, without a crib is not yellow. "Shaanxi Hanzhong, Wuyuan, Jiangxi province, Xinghua crib is as famous for" the country's most beautiful sea of rape ". Cauliflower in Xinghua city, thousand Island oil company limited is located in foodTake a scenic area in the territory of the gangguxiang swtor credits, the company boss Hu Ketian told reporters: the rape be world-famous, in oil plant here will help shape the product brand, increase the added value of products. This reporter learned from the agricultural sector in the province, I rape planting 6.6192 million acres in last year, this year in the area of flat per cent reduction, in recent years the province has 1 million tons per yearLeft and right output. In many areas of Nantong, Taizhou, farmers grow wheat is not used, is like rape.   And wheat, rape is a "fat stubble", its root can secrete an organic, cannot use nutrients in soil, in favour of land recycling. Qi Cunkou said, we rape yield in Jiangsu Province is the first in the country. Exaggeration to say,Two acre yields elsewhere in order to catch up with our one acre of land. From the consumer's point of view, rapeseed oil is great for cooking oil, oleic acid olive oil equivalent of 80% of main nutritional components, prices are cheaper than olive oil. From the industrial point of view, industrial rapeseed oil well, is a big industry to increase farmers '. Suggest that the Government's industrial policy, rapeseed price, planting machinery equipmentSupport local spring ushered in the industrial rapeseed oil. Reporter Pan Chaohui Cheng Changchun Others:

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