Thursday, March 8, 2012

rift plat From the perspective of general business practices - FAS

129742939327031250_297Can't let this fruitless debate, eventually will only make the problem without fanfare, but ignoring the interests of consumers purchase. Exposing a child at the end of story, supor is convinced age of conan gold, consumers will see and think clearly. Side of the CCTV report firmly believed that supor Cookware overproof manganese, says that even if the new standards is not eligible, some even nearly 4 times higher national standards. On one side isSupor insists on confirmation, cooker product tested meet the relevant national standards, denies harmful to the human body. On the tip on Mai Mang, behind both sides so loud, I am afraid, is not just a product quality problem, not just involved in practice are based on national standards, is more likely to involve some "fuzzy" zone, which can play a "touch ball".Each hold different standards in their value system is set up, but not docking and dialogue between the two sides, although this argument is clear, was tantamount to "chicken duck said" not good to solve the problem, but rather incredulously consumers hanging out on one side. Dispute both sides use is based on the concept rift plat, one manganese, manganese is a volume of precipitation. China standard passageConcept is manganese and manganese content of stainless steel products made expressly. According to this standard, supor overproof manganese. However, supor manganese precipitation quantity, saying there is no precipitation of manganese in our country-related standards in developed countries only Italy limited standards. From the overwhelming point of view alone, supor is digging himself a hole to jump in the car. Since China did notA manganese precipitation amount of standard, supor claims to test Chinese standards there is "pulled", there is no standard how do you? From the perspective of general business practices, even if their product standards ahead of national standards, are not only according to their own standards and not national standards. Common practice is that calibration of their "standards", and in line withIndex of national standards. This at a glance. Both for regulators, consumer or industry themselves, what it wants, there are no obstacles that do not understand. Chi Chi, the same Cookware, looks like advanced "amount of manganese precipitated" qualified, but is apparently not advanced "manganese" exceeded. Academic theory but is not set up on this. The former qualifying,On the latter on test must pass is a "contains", instead of "anti-contains" relationship, otherwise can only show precipitation of manganese standard neither advanced nor strict, to below the national standard of manganese. Although, in the case, government departments should not remain silent. National standard in question, on the road with nothing more should be said clearly understand. Supor persist in using the manganese precipitation scale, Then figure out relationships between precipitation of manganese and manganese content, what is the connection and differences between the two, which criteria are used in practice is more important and more critical to consumers, explains why China, manganese content tsw gold, why use manganese precipitation amount. Can't let this fruitless debate, eventually will only make the problem without fanfare, but ignoring the interests of consumers purchase. Inquire into the open end of a, Supor is convinced, consumers will see and think clearly. (Abstracts from the Beijing times) declared gold online: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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