Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling this is a popularity ranking of sixth fund.   If the stock plunge - JTL

129773928551406250_194Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging daily limit of the unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training New York > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 from: hexun defeated stock Apple or Apple overseas media reported that due to the surge in Apple's share price since this year near 48%, this became more and more problems of mutual fund managers in a dilemma. In far less than the current price to buy Apple Stock Fund Manager, seeThis investment soared, in some cases over 10% per cent of the Fund's assets.   This is actually a wise investment decisions, positions become excessive concentration, reduces the investment benefits of decentralized tera gold, and increase the risk of some mutual funds. As Apple shares March, growth and hybrid funds, due to Apple's timing of investment goodPerformance over large cities.   But precisely for this reason, many funds let investors ' assets were closely linked to a performance is better with a single company. Originally touted bias investment funds in the field of science and technology, this is not what major problems. But many are also hoarding large amounts of Apple stock, but these funds is the core of 401K plan or similar pension schemesAssets, such as fidelity (Fidelity) of us $ 14.7 billion and t Rowe Price blue chip growth fund us $ 28.7 billion growth fund. For example $ 80.8 billion fidelity Contrafund, Apple nearly 9%. BrightScope sorted according to a company 401K plan company, over 401 k plans, this is a popularity ranking of sixth fund.   If the stock plunge, no matter how impossible the current, it would quickly spread to millions of investors of pension accounts, and these investors could have been considered to be safer than a share of the investment fund. "Great positions to hold a stock will increase the risk of the Fund, because the foundations are more vulnerable toOne or two stocks of bad news shocks, not through diversification to cushion the impact.   "Standard and poor's said its Capital IQ, senior Fund Analyst Todd Rosenbluth. Morningstar Fund analyst Dan Culloton said in the mutual fund industry, usually more than 5% asset mix, that isFor positions that may have an impact on the Fund.   Some mutual fund positions Apple than large fund managers are reluctant to sell Apple's stock after the Apple stock price in June 2011 touched us $ 310, currently rising to about 600 m, almost doubled, but gains this year, close to 48%. As a global company with the highest market capitalization tera power leveling, AppleP 500 portfolio weighting reaches 4.2%. That is not counting fee, a standard and poor's 500 index. SPX Fund invested $ 1, will have to come to Apple invested 4.2 cents.   P 500 portfolio is measured most United States mutual funds performance benchmarking. Active hyper-distribution of the common Foundation they think performance will be superior to big city publicSecretary, but the General configuration does not exceed the proportion or 5%. But tracked by Morningstar Fund, 46 funds Apple holding assets of more than 9%, this is about Apple twice times the weight of the standard and poor's 500 index.   It is not those who specialize in technology or other specialized investment. To us $ 1.5 billion of Oppenheimer MaiN Street Select Fund, for example, the Fund's portfolio includes 34 companies, covering the value and growth stocks. But according to Morningstar data, as at the end of January, Apple proportion its assets reached 10.5%, corresponds to the index weight in 2.5 times. The sum of bets in the position set, is the Fund so far this year rose 13.9%, or leading p 500 cent of reason.   Shares of Apple fell, the decline in the Fund may be higher than the market as a whole. At the same time, focus on growth stocks owned by fidelity Contrafund 427 stocks, but by the end of January, in its investment portfolio of $ 8.6% or $, are setApple's stock. This is even more than Apple in the 7.6% weight of the Russell 1000 growth index.   Many growth Fund Manager uses the index as an internal index. Fund managers are reluctant to sell Apple stock reasons can be understood.   Reduce risk exposure may lead to a relatively less of the Fund. "We from the FundManager there and heard a lot about this message. There is no doubt that they are trying to sell Apple stock and profits. However, the increase in the kinetic energy is currently Apple's in-State.   "P's senior index analyst Howard Silverblatt said. "These fund managers usually will realize that they are subject to additional risk. ”SIlverblatt says, "is known as the same person, baiyexiaohe.   "Some fund managers started to proactively reduce risk Fund Manager is taking steps to reduce the proportion of Apple in its investment portfolio. "We went to the portfolio of unbounded stage, in order to control risks, cut positions is a prudent approach," MonetTa Bacarella fund managers said. Bacarella initially in early 2005 to buy 10,000 Apple shares, trading at about $ 40 per share. According to the Morningstar data, in September 2005, this group of 10,000 shares of stock valued at $ 536,100, 0.9% per cent of its investment portfolio.By September 2011, Bacarella owns 10 tera gold,000 shares of Apple stock again. But this time its worth nearly US $ 4.1 million, accounting for the proportion of the Fund's 9.3%. Earlier this year he would cut 5,000 shares of the shares.   Apple now accounts for its share of assets 5%. "This is about risk control. You never know what will happen,"He added that other funds to establish large positions will only accelerate the plunge in the stock. "If everyone thinks revenue growth to slow down, how would you do it? "Bacarella asked. "I think you will be thrown, which accelerated its decline. ” Others:

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