Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 129773903157500000_27 - XFI

129773903157500000_27QFII positive positions increased holdings of blue chip key "Now is the best time for long-term investors to build positions" Edmund Burke Rothschild Asset Management Hong Kong Limited, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Tang Yi 26th said when interviewed by this reporter, at present China's a-share valuations are near record low, possibilities do not have declined substantially, as a long-term investment should start to build positions. It was learned that Edmund Burke RothschildInvestment shares of the Bank is the first qualified foreign investors (QFII) licensed private banks, since after 2006 of us $ 100 million credit, Edmund Burke issued $ EdRMainlandChina fund management company of Rothschild asset management tera power leveling, investment in mainland China stocks, in January of this year, Edmund Burke Rothschild has received a $ 100 million investmentLine. "We are very interested in contact with many foreign investors in China's stock, wants to increase its investment in China," Edmund Burke is Executive Chairman of the Board of Rothschild asset management company PhilippeCOUVRECELLE, told reporters. According to the introduction of Tang Yi, QFII lines 90% currently 200 million dollars have been invested in shares, focusing on investments in threeIndustry: consumer industry, a long-term bullish industry; the second is heavy industry tera power leveling, at present relatively low valuations; third, life insurance, return on investment is better. "In 2006, which was our only investment of 100 million, but now here has doubled to 650 million, investment income is also not good. "He said. Tang Yi believes that economic growth in ChinaVery strong, it is also supporting a strong factor in China's stock market. He expects economic growth this year between in-8%. In fact, as a-shares overall valuations down Central, including Standard Chartered, Citibank, and Macquarie over the agency recently issued a bullish Outlook for China's stock market. Exchange Council had previously released the 2011 Chinese cross-border capital flow monitoringReport, at the end of last year, QFII still 70% of stock assets in total assets. In this regard, insiders said, prospects for foreign investors optimistic about China's stock markets and has begun to prepare for China's stock market rose. Especially now in the low valuations of blue-chip stocks was favored by the QFII, it is understood that the QFII Fund is now actively buyingInto the blue-chips. "Blue chips lower the current valuation, performance is also very stable, with growth potential, is the focus of our holdings. "A responsible for QFII investment executives told reporters. Analysts in China were of the view that current market valuation opportunity really more prominent on blue-chip stocks as a whole tera gold, therefore QFII purchases also shows they are optimistic about the medium-and long-term opportunities for these stocks. The long term, In an environment of total valuation of shares of Central moves down, blue-chip companies will increasingly become a cornerstone investor returns. Others:

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