Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera power leveling 24 at the scene - OAH

129779366345312500_5This is a from the 12 to the Silk Museum, Hangzhou San Tong bamboo garden bus, at that time, buses loaded with passengers sitting and standing, reckon there are more than 70 people.  Noon 11:20, this car is Road North intersection of stadium red light. Congested traffic, hot weather, added sultrysummer compartments, so some have no spirit. ButAnd suddenly there was a scream in the car, all in a flutter--"smoke in the car! "Because you want to Chang village of something yesterday afternoon tera gold, embark on this bus No 12 small-when the car is crowded, people are full. Open to the Wu Shu and South Stadium road intersection, when you are waiting for the red light, suddenly followed by a man shouting: parking, carSmoke!  Hurry up to open the door! That said, I also smell inside the car there is a burning smell.  Car began to stir, we panic. Driver was a young man, he quickly stopped, open two doors where passengers according to the principle of proximity, select close to the door to get off. Around that time the car behind a smoke, to be honest quite worried about the whole car is burning or explosion. Members of their respectiveAfter you get off at the nearest door escape, cut to a distance run, the process took about 1 minute. A female passenger ran constantly patting his chest: "scared the wits, thinking that cars ablaze! "May be afraid of the cars stopped traffic on the road, drivers one crossroads drive, pull over to stop at the North crossing. At that time, the car is still constantlySmoke, flame g old high.  Inside driver compartment, with a dry powder fire extinguisher, a gush of smoke, smoke like in air conditioning here. After a, fire engine came.  They are using a foam fire extinguishers, several times to get the fire.  Now I said it seemed very easy, in fact, was really quite the adventure! Finished--told reportersThese small Hu received a phone call, he is seen on the phone yelling "you come come, martial arts I at a crossroads, I just now by bus, life is almost gone! "Drivers: first reflex was to stop the evacuation of passengers at about 12 o'clock noon, when journalists arrived at the scene, something of a bus, the body has been coated with a layer of foam, above the left rear air conditioningOutlet is firing the pitch-black. Because of this incident, towards Wulin road traffic was not a small effect, under the command of the traffic police at the scene, many vehicle select detour.  Reporter learned that, traffic impact probably lasted for about 1 hour. Driver surnamed Wu, aged 35, who of Hangzhou, driving more than 4 years old. His mouth is dark above a cloud, it is hisSelf-help is smoked in the process.  Wu says, when he smelled a burning smell, and saw a fire, the first reaction is to stop the evacuation of passengers, and police. Fire engines rushed to the scene of the fire-fighting squadron of the West Lake. Fire fighters said, when they were 11:24 at the scene, is constantly out jet black smoke in the car, "the dark red flames g out the window more than 2 meters high. "Through the fireSpray foam, 10 minutes after the fire was put out.  Then water cooling the gun on the vehicle and the engine, fuel tank, half an hour later tera gold, risk being excluded.  News is, this accident did not cause casualties. Public transport company: the cause of the fire has nothing to do with the hybrid system something of this bus No 12 is the hybrid car, fire with hybrids have closedDepartment? Weather is there a relationship?  How the condition of this car? It is learned that the bus is a 2009 purchase of an accident, and is well maintained, condition is good.  To date, Hangzhou hybrid buses more than 800 vehicles in total. Bus with hot weather yesterday is there any relationship between spontaneous combustion? In this regard, public transport company technology Deputy Manager Shen BoIt is unlikely that: "though it is a bit hot, but the temperature is not high to the point. "Shen Bo told a press conference, after the incident, the bus company to proceed to the cause of the fire and the Fire Department conducted a preliminary survey:" the fire has no connection with the hybrid system. Specific location of fires near the duct to the left in the car, we found that in normal operation of the air conditioning system, air duct near theDamaged. In addition, window glass is crack on both sides in the rescue, in addition, the car is normal. "According to reports, the accident may be the vehicle left the rear edge of the roof line is causing the problem. Pipeline has three roots, respectively, connecting door, Interior lamp control and air conditioning switch.  It is not yet clear what is causing the problem. Public transport company said,After the occurrence tera power leveling, they immediately set out to conduct a safety check on all buses to prevent remnants of security risks.  Spontaneous combustion of the bus, what should we do if experiencing spontaneous combustion in transit, bus, what should we do? Reporters ask the fire service and public sector experts, as we sort out the bus evacuation of spontaneous combustion technique: If you are the driver--After finding the dangerous situation, should keep calm, nearby parking, first time to evacuate the passengers.  Vehicles should be equipped with fire extinguishers, safety devices such as the hammer, when fire was less, you can choose to save themselves, and first time alarm. If you are a passenger – the first, stay calm, be sure not to panic, not to crowded, raised-extruding fear most is to be thrown into confusion after riding accidents; the second,There before the bus ignition precursors, such as smoke, burned taste, to remind the driver to stop for passengers if just the flame, to calm disposition, with a fire extinguisher out of third, escape is the most important, if the door opened, and should maintain order, from the door in order to get off. If the door does not open, you can select the security hammer or blunt, knock on the window broken, from the WindowsEscape; IV, the event was on fire, do not run, a run but will accelerate burning.  You can undress with foot fighting, or roll in place, put the flames out. (Thanks to reader Mr WONG news clues) Others:

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