Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold "fxwb" - OGD

129774149443125000_35According to a report in the legal daily Jiang Yin Sun, head of agricultural Bank of China branches were placed on file for investigation for alleged contract fraud. Ministry of public security has issued a red Sun arrest warrant, police are to carry out arrests. Reporters learned that Sun is the Governor of the agricultural Bank of China, Jiangyin City, Fort branch before Sun Feng. Official currently determines the amount of the sum of more than 126 million Yuan, but according to banking insidersSaid sum figures could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. Reporters also confirmed that the alleged financial help for Sun Feng flight Shanghai Xintiandi branch of Standard Chartered Bank private banking customer's adviser Wu Eden, also recently for allegedly harbouring conceal crime criminal detention by the police. Eden NG of Singapore origin, Sun Feng also achieved before at the time of the Singapore passports. After Sun Feng family fled, Wuxi, JiangYin police have sent two groups of cases of civilian police to catch on a small island in the Philippines, but its success could not be arrested. Sun Feng visited after going to Thailand and the Netherlands, finally went to Canada. ����Carefully before their flight route at the time of preparation. Were confirmed through an interview, Sun Feng incident has attracted the local Government principal leaders of Jiangyin, worried that without a huge amount of public funds involved. But afterwards found, run awayInvolved more than 126 million dollars, is largely based on its "President" identity and personal and corporate funds borrowed to Jiangyin local boss, and agricultural bank depositors ' money or free government public expense involved. ����One, the biggest victims of Jiangyin City long Zhao Jidi tera gold, Secretary of the village before the sand village. Thanks to the capital and loan funds to others nearly billion yuan of funds last December 28Today, Sun Feng and his parents, his wife, a son and a woman has family "outing" Thailand reported missing, causing enormous amounts of money cannot be returned. ����In desperation, Zhao Jidi made a report to police. It is understood that Sun Feng had fled, mainly fried futures during its working, and suffered heavy losses in the second half of last year, cannot be returned to massive borrowing. Its major sources, using their many yearsBanks accumulated reputation and contacts to attract local private capital directly, and promised high returns. Jiangyin Hua Feng Sirong, head of technology companies involved, because illegal fund-raising were controlled by the police. ����Zhao Jidi I is subject to judicial process cannot be confirmed. Journalists also learned, is currently under investigation by the police in Wuxi involving bank staff or security company, Micro-loan companies from the number of cases of illegal fund-raising, which have similar Sun Feng has banking status of defrauding customers trust, client money lending. In addition, because a few years ago to set up bonding companies, micro-loan companies, pawnbrokers and money threshold too low, some bank executive resigns after running this kind of company. From "working against" provisions tied to their use of thisMaster the details of bank customers before, after getting Bank insiders information, home financing loans or charging high interest returns, it also reveals many of the current banking management "loophole", and relevant authorities make vigorous efforts to educational improvement. It was also understood that the Ministry of public security issued by the INTERPOL notice, Interpol, one of the most famous international bulletin�� Arrest warrant is issued, the Member States after the discovery of the whereabouts of the wanted, have an obligation to organization arrests and extradition of fugitives. China's INTERPOL notice issued, most wanted objects of economic crimes and crimes ... blkComment p a:link{text-decoration:none}.BLkComment p a:hover{text-decoration:underline} .icon_sina, .icon_msn, .icon_fx{ background-position: 2px -1px} .icon_msn{background-position: -25px -1px;} . Icon_fx{background-position:-240px-50px;} to share to: var sendT={getHeader:function(){ var g_title=document.getElementById("artibodyTitle").innerHTML; var re = /]*? 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