Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold the Democratic Party - TYQ

129770966750312500_141Mao Ze-dong in his later years (information) the abstracts from the change of Deng Xiaoping of China, ye yonglie, with Jiangxi people's publishing house publishing has four times rejected their choice of Mao Zedong's successor Hua Guofeng's "wise leader" position is specified by Mao Ze-Dong's life. Mao Ze-Dong's early attention to the lessons of Stalin. Shortly before the death of Stalin was in a hurry to determine MalenkovHis successor. In 1961, the United Kingdom field marshal Montgomery's visit to China, asked about the heir of Mao Ze-Dong's question. Montgomery said: "I know the world's leaders. I noticed that they were not willing to their heirs who, like MacMillan, Charles de Gaulle, and more, the President now has clear, your heirs who? "Mao Zedong said:" clearly, was Liu ShaoStrange. He is the party's first Vice President. I am dead, is he. "" After Liu Shaoqi did it is Zhou Enlai? "Montgomery said. "After Liu Shao-Qi's I don't care. "Mao said. Lessons from Mao Zedong's talk about Stalin: "Stalin was the most authoritative leader, but the lack of vision, does not solve the succession problem. "Mao Zedong disagreed with field marshal Montgomery called the"Successor", instead of using "successor" term. Mao Xiong Xianghui, Vice Director of the General Office of the Ministry later said talking to Montgomery: "heirs of the noun is not good, I a free land, and no real estate, bank deposit, inherited my what? Young pioneers sang ' we are the successors to the Communists ', ' successors ' well, this is the proletariat saidMethod. "Mao Zedong said:" the Marshal did not understand, we, and the Soviet Union, Stalin had visions. Yan an tera gold, we pay attention to this issue, seven clear of 1945. Yan at that time was poor Valley, not to Western nose sniff. 1956 open eight years, it was with much fanfare to open, the Democratic Party tera power leveling, so many foreigners are invited to attend. From start to finish, completeOpen, no secrets. Eight by Charter, there is a: if necessary, Honorary Chairman of the Central Committee established a person, why this one? If necessary, who will be the Honorary Chairman? Was I when Honorary Chairman, who will be the President? United States President becomes vacant, the Vice President when President. Our Vice President has five, Pai Tau is who? Liu Shao-qi. We call the first Vice-Chairman, heIs in fact the first Vice President to preside over the work. Liu Shao-Qi's not Malenkov. Two years ago, People's Republic of China ask Zhao about the President, no longer last name Marc Pecsteen, changed surname Liu Ming less odd, is the national people's Congress election. Yiqian, Chairman of the two last names now, a name, a surname Liu. Over time, the two last name President Liu. If Marxism does notI, I just that Honorary Chairman. Who is the heir apparent to me? Where necessary, ' strategic observation '! Here there is no iron curtain, bamboo curtain in no, only one sheet of paper, not straw Board, not the cellophane, thin paste window is the country of the kind of paper, a poke is broken. "Mao Zedong said was" seven clear of 1945 ", referring to Liu Shaoqi as successor is already selected.Reckoning on the fingers, Hua Guofeng was selected by the fifth successor of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi was Mao Zedong first selected a successor. In 1945, the Chinese Communists on the seven, Liu Shaoqi appears to Mao Ze-Dong's successor. Then, simply don't have to Liu Shaoqi's "create public opinion" don't let "people throughout the country gradually understand" Liu Shaoqi. Because Liu Shao-Qi's already is a famous Chinese Communist leader。 Shortly after the Communist Party seven, in August 1945, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong in Chongqing negotiation, CPC Central Committee Deputy Chairman Liu Shaoqi. From 1945 until the "great cultural revolution" broke out, nearly 20 years of time, Liu Shaoqi was Mao's successor. Later due to Mao Zedong thought Liu Shaoqi was "taking the capitalist road establishment", launching the "great cultural revolution"Asked. Lin Biao was Mao Zedong's second choice as his successor. CPC on nine in 1969, when Lin Biao emerged as successors of Mao Ze-Dong 's, also don't have "create public opinion", so "people throughout the country gradually understand the" Lin Biao. From the "cultural revolution" was Lin Biao had Mao Zedong's "closest comrade" emerge, and Marshal Lin Biao was already famous generals, top tenOne of the. In 1971, "Lin Biao incident of treason" tera gold, was the disappointment of Mao Zedong, he was forced to choose a successor for the third time. Mao Zedong was once intended to be Wang Hongwen as his successor. Wang Hongwen qualifications of course cannot be compared with Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao, however the "rebel commander" in the "cultural revolution" had created a stir in the country and do not have to "create public opinion", so "people gradually understand the country"。 12 «» Others:

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