Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold fish - JIX

129774149445781250_42Hubei Province known as the "province of thousand lakes" reputation. Shennongjia Chiuhu. CFP for diagrams due to long-term management of disorder, excessive development, protection of the weak, "thousand lakes province" already fall short of the reality in Hubei province. Legislative solution to the problem in the protection of lakes, Hubei province since 1996, set out to Lake protection and management of the legislative work. On March 26, the Hubei ProvinceLake protection regulations (draft) of the attention of the Standing Committee in Hubei province. To straighten out the Lake protection and management system, the draft provisions, the heads of people's Governments above the county level on the Lake protection assume overall responsibility within its own jurisdiction, conduct assessment responsibility system term, and set the terms of responsibility. "Thousand lakes province of" protection challenges faced today in the Hubei provincial people's CongressConference draft statement, Hubei provincial water resources Bureau Director Wang Zhongfa pointed out that, while Hubei Province known as the "thousand lakes province" in the world tera gold, but a long time, due to factors such as the management of disorder, excessive development, protection of the weak, "thousand lakes" already fall short of the reality. According to statistics, from the late early 50 's to the 80, more than 100 acres of lakes in the province of Hubei from 1332Dropped to 843, although after the last century 80 's tera power leveling, Lake quantitative atrophy momentum slowed, area, volume, but intrusion Lake filled, frequent incidents of embezzlement, a shrinking trend as a whole. According to the latest national census of water conservancy information, at present, only 110 more than 5,000 acres Lake in Hubei province. Wang Zhongfa said, in addition to the number of lakes and a decrease in water areaOutside the narrow, untreated sewage, industrial waste water discharged into the Lake, in the massive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and watershed non-point source pollution resulting from intensive farming, coupled with the overexploitation of internal pollution of lakes, Hubei province a lot of Lake water quality deterioration, degradation of function. According to the Hubei provincial water resources department published the Bulletin of January 2012 water resources quality in Hubei Province, On the surveillance of the whole province of 26 Lakes, only 1 grade II, grade III 12, four-class 9, bad cat 4 water quality. Because since there is no uniform legislation on lakes in China, raised in Lake protection after the legislative intention, Hubei province after a long time of this preliminary research work. On November 15, 2011, the Hubei Provincial Government Executive meetingOn the adoption of the draft. Construction management system of reasonable protection of Lake it is understood that the current main Lake protection and management of "pluralism", which make the Lake protection legislation faces the problem of how to determine the competent authorities. Research carried out on the draft report, the Faculty of economy in Hubei Province water research centre relevant experts pointed out that, because of the versatility of the Lakes, Lake resourcesDiversity and inherent conflicts between various interests, Lake protected the public interest require a principal representative and a concrete implementation is currently recognized by the Government as representatives of the public interest and to exercise the right of protection. Although the clear lakes protection responsibility of the Government, but now there are various government departments "argument method" dilemma. In accordance with the relevant lawsFixed, now the main water sectors have certain rights to Lake management. Lake Water Department is responsible for management of water resources, agriculture, the Environmental Protection Department is responsible for the Lake's pollution control (fish) Department is responsible for the management of aquaculture in lakes, Forestry Department is responsible for wetland protection. "Due to the various departments of the Government of the management functions associated with the Lake, and there is indeed interest, the relevantInherent power competition between sectors. If this does not work well with the public power problem, it could lead to lakes because of competition and public power ' tragedy of the Commons '. "School of Hubei Province in the legislative research experts pointed out that legislation must be constructed in a reasonable amount of Lakes protection management system. In this regard, the Bill, head of people's Governments above the county level administrationLakes of protection assume overall responsibility within their respective administrative areas, Lakes protection to implement objective examination term accountability; clear administrative departments of people's Governments above the county level water lake protection within their respective administrative areas, and other relevant departments according to their respective responsibilities to strengthen coordination. At the same time, across the Lake provides for protection of the administrative division of the draft, by the cross-regional level on common people's GovernmentOK. Avoid the sector for the Government "the bag" it is understood that the existing law also provides for local government administration responsible, objective responsibility system and evaluation content, but too general, resulting in poor operation, the mere formality of accountability of the Government in the past, has also led to many local government responsibilities into "departments", the assessment becomes a test of the Government under the Government ofA Department. Problems tend to hit the Board in the function body. Hubei University of economic experts believe, how to clear local Government's responsibility to protect and to adopt legislation establishing legal accountability mechanisms should be the focus of the legislation. Under the current draft, Hubei Province will form the heads of people's Governments at above county level leadership, assume overall responsibility, water Administrative Department is responsible forLakes protection system and relevant sectoral coordination. Draft a separate paragraph, stipulates that the Government and its departments in lakes exist in the protection of the staff of negligence or fault, by the unit or competent authority in accordance with the administrative penalties constitutes a crime tera gold, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. "On the Government's legal responsibility system clear, on the one hand can be for law enforcementScale for law enforcement, sanctions against the offenders be; on the other hand, law enforcement for law enforcement to regulate, not law enforcement officers be investigated according to the law, to truly be dealt, meted out. "School of Economics experts believe in Hubei province. Staff writer, Wuhan, March 26-() Others:

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