Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera gold Wenzhou lucheng Plaza commercial projects - LIX

129765921290362500_31Green city near the cut scenes not government insurance premium Greentown (03900. HK) so hard? As a large-scale real estate enterprise, on the one hand to face restriction of regulation policies, such as extrusion, on the other hand to try to solve their own 87.7% debt to asset ratio. However, throws a price floor, apparently to save has stood on one foot "Cliff" on the green city, only through the sale of project assets, to make it throughCrisis. And this was in the eyes of the outside world by green city, becoming a "refusing to cut prices" model, but in fact, green city do not price is the total value of the assets taken into account, when you only want to sell property prices. Seems to price it is hard to drop "If you ask the Green City House has cut prices, I can tell you, the green city have not cut prices. "On March 14, the reporter to investorsIdentity consulting Greentown Investor Relations Department, the person says. Since then, the reporter Advisory including paradise, Shanghai, Hangzhou rose garden and many other green city project of real estate in China, sales staff, Green City House has no discount. One person familiar with Hangzhou real estate believe that after Greentown to sell some property rights, money chain has received some degree of ease, plusThis year, the policy has warmed up, green city Fund chain will certainly better than last year. At the same time, green city belongs to the high-end real estate, price comparison of the factors involved, so green city is not like other developers, massive price cut. Greentown China newsletter released March 9 showed in February 2012, Hangzhou Greentown group utopia southern staging launches sales tera power leveling, pushing totalArea of about 3,359 sq m, average sales per square metre of $ 33,984. Public information displays, the project is divided into Chinese villas two kinds of garden and French landscape. French area of 400~500 square meters, cost more than $ 20 million, of the Chinese area of 700 square meters, the price is more than $ 40 million. In this estimate,The sale price is more than $ 50,000 per square meter. Latest data showed green city, price of the realization of real estate prices well below plan. However, the Sales Department of Hangzhou paradise said, since its launch two years ago, did not appear on the price only appreciate. Greentown China Investor Relations Department person confirmed to reporters of the investors, as shown in the note was introduced in February3,359 sq m of sales of items actually sold in the first half of last year, before having obtained the certificate of advance reservations. In this view, the real estate prices did not drop, but there have been increased. Transparent House for sale network shows, in Hangzhou Greentown real estate prices do not decline, instead a lot of real estate also increased, although trading volume is small. Greentown cloud-dwelling rose garden residence, for example,In January this year the contract price is $ 63,700 per square meter, average much higher than in October last year. Transparent House sales network of newspaper reporters to the investors, Greentown real estate prices did not like other developers on a downward trend, and volumes have for a long time does not appear in the forefront. Zhejiang University Center for real estate research week thought, Greentown real estate price of high-end, limited impact far greater than the price of the purchase. For high-end clients, if the price drop of $ 50,000 and $ 100,000 on sales of small effects. Greentown is not willing to cut prices. Hangzhou real estate people to the above investor news reporters, Greentown, price cuts too many old owners might make trouble. In addition, also involving local interest,If the price drops, will affect the auction price of land, the local Government does not agree with. Green City project is a local landmark, price did not dare to casually drop. "However, the most important reason, is a green city want to earn money, money chain is not so nervous now, otherwise the green city is to cut prices. "Who of Hangzhou another real estate company said. FundingHave lessened the gold chain "from the viewpoint of balance sheet, asset-liability ratio of green city high, financial stress, however, the Green City sold part interest, funds have been received must be added. "Week real estate research center of Zhejiang University teacher said. On December 29, 2011, to address funding challenges, to the SOHO China Greentown (00410.HK) on sale overseasBeach King stakes valued $ 1.04 billion. After just 7 days, the evening of January 5, 2012, Greentown China in its official microblog and connect hung out of the four stock right transferring announcement, respectively will Lake real estate equity, equity, 35%, Greentown Villa Park Green City 51% 50% shares, Shanghai Jing Yu Kam jade 49% stake, to $ 51 million and $ 70 million, 125$ 0 and $ 49 million for the transfer before and after a total liquidity of more than $ 1.3 billion. Greentown China secret Feng Zheng Dong, transfer these 5 projects for funding by almost $ 4 billion. Lakeside estates project, Sun Hongbin (sunac China Chairman) in addition to paid registered capital of 51%, according to the ratio of inputs to the appropriate development of capital. Zhihou, outgoing green cityIs currently negotiating with potential buyers and will sell 4 items and want to cash in $ 6 billion. Four items intended for sale are the tianshan road, Shanghai, Qingdao Office project audit Bureau, Wenzhou lucheng Plaza commercial projects, as well as oak wood, elegant House. However, the reporter was informed that the transfer of the four programmes are not complete, construction of Audit Bureau of Qingdao commercial projects have been announcedWenzhou lucheng Plaza will also be opened in 2013, these two items are a local landmark. China Merchants securities report written by Duan Feiqin, the current capital market for green city bankruptcy worries, the possibility is very low. In addition to company have access to liquidity, and Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Greentown as part of quality of government enterprises, has been commenced against the company's bail-outsPlan eased Hangzhou real estate credit policy, about the real estate market has a positive effect. Greentown not reduced price "Pong" State Enterprise "green city since last year have been adjusted. "The foregoing Hangzhou real estate said, such as large scale adjusted to the small apartment. Stock but it is quite hard to deal with. Green City of many complex rate is not high, memory is very large. Last year, June 10Opening of Greentown �� lanyuan, for example, transparent House for sale network shows, since the building opened for half a year, a total of 208 House, sold only 66 Number Sets. Cai Weimin, Director of the Institute of real estate operations of Fudan University tera gold, green city think they are high quality must be high priced, not price, and now is the practice of maintaining high prices, would give discounts to intermediaries, to intermediariesCosts were also reluctant to customers. Green City what is an abacus? Do not cut behind the show is its close relationship with the local State-owned enterprises. 2010 annual report shows tera gold, Greentown disclosed 38 joint venture company in China, 25 in Zhejiang Province, have announced joint development of enterprise 76% of the total, and one of the biggest secrets in this joint cooperationAlmost all State-owned companies. Foregoing Hangzhou real estate said the green city is a landmark many projects on the ground, in favour of projects jointly with the State-owned enterprises to promote. The current situation, Greentown's difficulties have slowed at the end of last year. According to Greentown China debt to asset ratio is higher than the peer, in the middle of 2011, the asset-liability ratio of 87.7%�� China vanke a (000002.SZ) in the 2011 year of the asset-liability ratio of 77.85%, to the end of last year, price strategy, branches further decline in the asset-liability ratio, has fallen to 77.1%. Cai Weimin, Greentown reluctant price reduction there is a layer of meaning is, on the sale of assets to maintain high prices, to the benefit of the asset acquiredBeneficial when negotiating. In his opinion, in the context of current real estate regulation and restriction of obvious Greentown pessimistic business prospects. Others:

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