Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling resource integration enablingIn the consolidated management - MVR

129784668095991250_80VW China personnel adjustments Por Wu was promoted to General Manager of import cars Mass was started one of the largest in recent years, China's personnel changes. On April 6, the Volkswagen Group (China) ("mass of China") in an exclusive interview with this reporter, the Executive Vice President Su Weiming, Gao Guanxin appointment of disclosures involving eight posts. Among them, headline-grabbing former Volkswagen Group (China) Volkswagen Brand Marketing Director Por Wu tera power leveling, has beenNearly 10 months after leaving the public officially recognize regression and was promoted to General Manager of Volkswagen brand import cars. His appointment will be next Monday (April 9) was issued. Volkswagen's brands imported Por Wu, General Manager in addition, original Skoda Lubos Vlcek, head of after-sales and spare parts became public (China) tera gold, Executive Director of sales and marketing, under the public in ChinaHeadquarters, under the jurisdiction of four departments, is responsible for the mass group of procurement in China in the future, used cars as well as after-sales and spare parts business of four plates, took office on May 1. From VW China Group Chief Marketing Officer is a new development on the level of duties, by Alexei Orlov served as marketing experts from the German, whose mission is to accept each Volkswagen brandMarketing Director's report. Third appointment was for Por Wu in June last year resigned from the public post of Director of the Volkswagen brand in China market, taking over the former Shanghai GM Chevrolet brand marketing division director Zhang Wei. All three appointments are for the Volkswagen Group China post adjustment at Headquarters. Executives from four other new appointments for all Su Weiming was drastic restructuringVolkswagen's import business. First of all is the Volkswagen (China) sales limited ("VGIC", the original "mass import car sales company") the post of General Manager, Volkswagen original India Maik Stephan served as the General Manager, this position among the General Manager of Volkswagen's imported brands, under the group level. Su Weiming currently serves as VGChairman of IC. Followed the import car brands, General Manager of the appointment. Is passed from two weeks ago after Land Rover Por Wu joined the mass back on leaving, General Manager duties imports jumped to VW brand vehicles. More subtle is that due to the current General Manager of the VW brand import cars on Shen Xiaojie is still in Office, therefore, it will form a mass import of vehicle Manager. In response, Su Weiming explained, Shen Xiaojie duty there is no adjustment, set the two general managers, and more conducive to tie in with the work. But he added that Por Wu and Shen Xiaojie "at least for a period of time" to complement one another. Sources said, currently, the executives adjustment is just a beginning, more personnel changes will be subsequently implemented, did not rule out Shen Xiaojie transferred to, or select other opportunities possible, And one of them in the strategic implementation of problems as we all know, this is not a style of mass personnel changes. Select Por Wu, Su Weiming said Por Wu has been doing mass marketing director, mass market business is familiar with, so, starting a major candidate is the management of imported cars. Another new imported cars of the brand manager for the German TillScheer, General Manager of the popular Hong Kong before, was promoted to the Chinese area General Manager of Bentley, Bugatti Veyron. On the set of duties, Su Weiming said, "we're a step Bentley into the mass-marketing system". Late last year, the Volkswagen Group (China) will take over Hong Kong Chong Hong auto sales company fulfilling Bentley brand role of importers and agents in China.And the status of dachangxing from Bentley's general agent in China into a general dealer. This is considered a mass contain imported cars fall first knife. Third the newly appointed General Manager of brand-a-SEAT, General Manager of China Fang Zhengyu already took control, and recently the SEAT on the new car market will meet with the media. As a popular new brand to introduce China, SEATBrand management is becoming a popular model for restructuring its import car brands. Recent rumors about Volkswagen other brands--Skoda, General Manager of the import car business person, this does not appear in the list of appointments. While public officials affirmed this position to reporters and officials, but industry insiders said, the Skoda brandGeneral Manager of imported cars in the list suggests that Skoda import car and in the absence of business results of short-term domestic story. In response, Su Weiming said imports for Skoda car business, the public is still in discussions with the Shanghai Volkswagen feasibility. Final adjustment of an Executive from the Faw-Volkswagen joint venture company. Current sidifen��wolunsitan, head of marketing strategies (Stephan WllEnstein) will become the Faw-Volkswagen sales company's new President, former renkaiwen��luosi (Kevin Rose) Bentley will be transferred to its global marketing director. The news has been officially released at the end of March. Sidifen��wolunsitan (Stephan Wllenstein) another identity for access to thePost points: from 2004 to 2007, he served as Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Volkswagen sales company tera power leveling, worked as Chief leader of virtue and Ye Yongming partner. More than eight executives will ultimately report to the Su Weiming. Behind the eight new appointments are Su Weiming in order to achieve "a mass" organization reform concept and copy. As we all know,Bold start last year, replace the old with the new, from the import car business. In November 2011, the "mass import car sales company" was renamed "Volkswagen Group (China) automotive sales company", then Bentley's agent will be on the right contain. Read this list of appointments in the industry said, to import cars into the Resource Center, publicBrand management of Chinese new "matrix" architecture had been more or less, that is, operating level to form the brand General Manager reporting to the General Manager of imported cars, General Manager of vertical, formed the Chief Marketing Officer at the business level level of direct and brand marketing director level management system. Su Weiming said mass in other markets had, in accordance with such a system in operation, resource integration enablingIn the consolidated management, group of productivity while reducing costs. "This is the largest of a number of appointments, sales company should each month there will be new people to join in the future. "Su Weiming said he now 50% working hours are spent on personnel changes. Others:

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