Thursday, June 28, 2012

representing nearly 1 time. Shi Botao said

129836519673281250_429Dow emerging markets this year sale than the reference from 32% per cent NetEase finance, June 8-the Dow Chemical Company President for greater China in Shanghai Shi Botao recently said growth plan was OK-the Dow-China market-Dow Chemical in 2015 is expected turnover of US $ 7 billion to 8 billion in 2011, representing nearly 1 time. Shi Botao said, last year, the Dow more than US $ 10.6 billion in sales in the Asia-Pacific region,Business of $ 4.5 billion from the greater China region (including mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong), accounted for 43% of Dow's sales in Asia, accounted for 7% of global sales. Worthy of note is that Dow Chemical in the greater China area achieved sales of $ 4.5 billion in revenue, most came from special chemical products, at 97%, only 3% of business incomeFrom basic chemicals and plastics products. Shi Botao said Dow greater China's goal is to become the Dow's second-largest market in the world. Dow plans in 2015, Dow Chemical's turnover will grow to $ 7 billion to 8 billion. While business volume in emerging markets in the Dow in the global business of growing importance, but is, since 2008, DowChemical sales in emerging markets increased 4%, or per cent in 2008 (proportion of total global market share in emerging markets sales) increased to 32% last year. NetEase financial learned from Dow Chemical, Dow Chemical to increase investment in emerging markets this year and intensity, this share will increase 3% per cent this year, almost equal to the past threeIncrease in years. China's macro-economy continued to shrink, President of Dow greater China Shi Botao believes that "it is a natural adjustment". Shi Botao admitted that "Dow greater China under the influence of the different business units, will have some signs of slowing," but he expected demand in the second half of the year will further rise, economy bottomed out. According to Shi BotaoIn China during the Twelve-Five development plan, water resources and water treatment infrastructure in China will form a realistic challenge. With this in mind, Dow Chemical began to start real action in this area. NetEase finance noted that Dow Chemical production base in huzhou city, Zhejiang province to a new support DOW FILMTEC reverse osmosis membranes of the production line diablo iii power leveling, and in 2013 years in use, the line for seawater desalination and wastewater reuse. (Xu Shiying)

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