Thursday, June 28, 2012

later on the coal industry is not pessimistic

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"); return false; } else { var url = '/report/' s1 '.html';; }} 05, 2012 GF An Peng ������? thermal coal: coal Qinhuangdao port prices continued to fall, coal prices have recalled this week, QinIn Hong Kong, 5,800 and $ 5,000 kcal power coal down 5;, Shanxi Datong coal prices fell $ 5-10, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Gansu coal respectively reduced by about $ 30. Keep coal in power plant remain high in the near future, coupled with the increased hydropower output in the South as well as the international coal price shock, coal procurement in the coastal areas were not enthusiastic aboutHigh, the market is in a wait state, is expected to decline in short-term prices may continue to fall but little space. Coking coal: prices basically stable around in some areas local fall decline in Liulin, Shanxi coking coal and gas coal of Shandong 20-40, price stability in other regions. Due to policies to benefit and steel limited production and protect, this week's iron and steel market slightly warmer, butFinal demand is still weak, short weak coking coal situation it is difficult to change, late-warmer in steel depends on steel production and protect the development and major projects. Around the anthracite prices basically stable, local injection coal falling steel prices rebound in index 0.4%, 0.4% Coke prices edged down steel prices rose this week, ending a continuous drop in 6 weeks,Coke prices decreased by about $ 90 in Liaoning area only, basic stability in other regions; however steel Coke demand is still weak. International coal prices: steam coal fell slightly, coking coal continued to rise to euro-zone debt crisis intensified this week, crude oil futures prices plummeted, and under the influence of this Australia BJ price fell $ 2.53% per cent, lower than domestic pricesAbout 130 Yuan/ton, the Australian port of Newcastle, South Africa Richards Hong Kong and European thermal coal prices decreased last week, 2.5%, and 4.5%; Cape domestic coking coal fell by 3.13%, inventory and rates: Qin, Hong Kong stocks continued to rebound, tariffs continue to fall along the coast to Qin, Hong Kong stocks rose sharply this week, June 4, Qin Hong Kong stock8.252 million tons, up 8.3% last week, primarily due to bring up volume down, coastal coal freight 3.4% lower than last week, investment perspectives: Fundamentals continued to dip, appeared to be easing effects industry perspectives: economic downward pressure remains greater in the near future, but the highlight is that: (1) 2 per cent from the quarter prices compared may have fallen, some publicDivision of performance may be lower than expected, but warmer, steel and building materials in the late high probability, coal market in the second half better than the more likely in the first half, (2) May start accelerating project approval and the Government raised the steady growth in the more important bits of GE. On the whole, is not the fundamental recovery of coal price dynamics, added with this month's release of May economic data are not, And Greece leave the eurozone risks, coal sector will remain the short term shocks. ����However 3 quarter policies will gradually, later on the coal industry is not pessimistic, we believe that if the short-term adjustment is large, might be better opportunities for intervention. Company: continued optimistic about the sdic xinji, orchids, energy risk tips:International coal prices continue to fall on the formation of domestic supply shocks, 6, lower-than-expected July investment units are involved in coal mining and the latest reports more title rating category rating changes report date of name the link coal stocks increased pressure generally largerMaintain the huatai 2012-06-05 combined volatile in the short term click here, continue to maintain defense-free 2012-06-05-free local CICC domestic coal prices fell, steel prices stopped falling and buy maintain stabilising GF to grow as the main line to increase its stake to maintain 2012-06-05 2012-06-04 QiStock coal prices in June there is still pressure, looks forward to policy in effect buy the maintenance 2012-06-04 GF click here to read the full >> of coal mining and coal mining stocks hot stocks ratings next 3 year profit forecast of coalMining stocks financial index ranking of rate of return on equity net assets per share earnings per share net profit growth rate of main business revenue growth profit not distributed in main business income net income per share cash flow from operating activities per share sales margin top industry trackfunction copyToClipBoard() { var clipBoardContent = ""; clipBoardContent = location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text", clipBoardContent); Alert ("replicated successfully, please paste to recommend to your friends on your QQ/MSN"); } Solemnly declare: dongfangcaifuwang publish this information aims to disseminate more information, position has nothing to do with this website. 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