Thursday, June 28, 2012

according to foreign media reports

129836407512812500_85Analysts warned Apple needs to be carefully considered cooperation company NetEase tech news on June 8, according to foreign media reports, the market has been rumored Facebook is developing independent brand of Smartphone. In support of these messages, Topeka Capital company focused on Apple stock analyst bulaien・huaite (Brian White) in Taipei last week, know whatMarket trends. After communicating with Intel, he made the following very puzzling comment: "Apple before deciding to trust a friend, had to have a good, comprehensive look at the friend. At the Taipei International computer show (Computex), Intel and I discussed recent trends in mobile marketing. Our results show, A rather famous read more, non-hardware manufacturer, has designed a smart mobile phone model, the entire work is nearing completion. Company plans to make the products enter the market in 2013. We believe, this Smartphone hardware technology background is from the cooperation, rather than through the acquisition of, or percentage of internal development. In other words, taking into account the mobile market continues to changeWe think Apple should carefully look at their company around, a closer look, and then consider whether its accession to the trusted list. This is like the former ailike・simisi (Eric Schmidt) to stay as is the case with Apple's Board. Walter Isaacson (Walter Isaacson), published bySteve Jobs biography, Steve said, ' I'm going to destroy Android, because it is the product of plagiarism. I would rather launch a thermo-nuclear war. ' "(Lu Xin)

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