Friday, June 29, 2012

200 units per cent drop in motorcycle sales 20.7%

129836519613437500_306Shanghai rubber PTA fell 3%PTA down nearly five weeks of 20% Nearly all domestic commodity markets ended lower on Friday, Hu glue, PTA and Zheng led the market of precious metals, vegetable oil and soybean meal bucked the floating red. Metal futures, silver 1209 Shanghai fell 3.1%, ended a two-day winning run, back below the 6|diablo 3 power leveling,000 yuan; 1212 fall Shanghai Gold 2.88%, the Fed is not implied QE3 disappoint markets; 1209 Shanghai copper down 1.7%,Leading base metals; screw-thread steel of small falls. Chemical sources of energy futures, Shanghai rubber and PTA Cheng knocked more than 3%, coke, methanol and even the plastic down over 1%. Shanghai rubber, even plastic and PTA Cheng hit a near two-year low, methanol and Coke market lows official site, market rumours that domestic fuel prices will be lowered from tomorrow. Agricultural Futures, sugar 1301 tumbled 2% Cheng, touchAnd 1.5-year lows; overnight US cotton rose, Zheng cotton was higher in early trading, after the general trend lower, main contracts ended lower 0.13%. Shanghai rubber 1209 or 6.6% this week and even plastic 1209 down 5.7%; PTA1209 falling 8% Cheng, 5th consecutive weekly decline, Trojan or 18.5%; 8th consecutive weekly decline in Palm oil, the cumulative decline14%; Zheng Mian fell 7 weeks even, Trojan or 12.5%; rose varieties, 1301 or 3.7% this week meal, vegetable oil and hard wheat rose above the 2%. [Scroll] on June 8, 2012 financial news list (06-08) [scroll] hengbang shares enjoy preferential tax of high-tech enterprisesLast year performance thickening 12% (06-08) [scroll] building B5 85,200 units per cent drop in motorcycle sales 20.7% (06-08) [scroll] Chang May sell 140,000 vehicles per cent increase 13.3% (06-08) [scroll]Steam 17.6% xiali May sales of 16,000 vehicles per cent drop (06-08) [scroll] United States April trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding up regional economic integration (06-08) [scroll]Sunny accommodation $ 55 million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain banking (06-08) [scroll]Total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08: 17) [scroll] United States higher than anticipated in April wholesale inventories rose ring by 0.6% (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than China's capital for new standards is not high (06-08) [scroll] CBRC: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08:52) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] FukudaCars intended to be paid $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] at PZH steelVanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll]Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [rollingFixed] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cuts 25 basis points over financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is strategic investmentBelieve in green city can call (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and 0.4$ 4 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Thematic NetEase finance week pictures fineSelect the [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [stock] The two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] central bank interest rate cutsMillions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

Hon Hai group for Sakai factory

129838007759531250_8Sharp head of China: cooperation with Hon Hai could complement each other Mr yexinxing (sharp Corporation's Chief Executive, Executive Director, greater China CEO) around the business of business companies in China on October 1 last year, I introduce you to Sharpe in the Chinese business. About capital business cooperation with Hon Hai, also gave a simple explanation. On March 27, sharp and Hon Hai group building a global strategic partnership, in the mainIntention to agree on cooperation in the field of business. Why choose plants? Decided to establish such a partnership on the ground that, sharp higher brand and unique components and product development techniques, but in recent years, accounting for half of sales of the Japan market in the appreciation of the yen was known as six operating environment (Yen appreciation, corporate tax, free trade agreements, labourRegulations, environmental regulations, lack of power), in the face of new opportunities and market responsiveness and lack of speed, even in Japan market of global markets, advantages also lagged. For example, as the main LCD, panel manufacturing LCD TV sales, so far are sharp themselves. However, in the competitive environment is increasingly competitive global cityField, you need timely supply of goods in line with national needs, and sharp "alone in a vertical integration model" already face limits. For the above considerations, we decided to take sharp brand as well as unique component and product development, and Hon Hai group has a high level of productivity and cost competitiveness are integrated installation. Play to the strengths of the two companies, both sides together to build "Global strategy of vertical integration model ", which make the charm of components and products for market inputs in a timely manner possible. In addition, Hon Hai group for Sakai factory (located in Japan Osaka Prefecture Sakai city LCD Panel factories operating company) production of large liquid crystal Panel also gave a high evaluation. In this way, Hon Hai group, sharp display products company-funded cooperation, As a unified team to promote the cause. As a result, Sakai factory with Hon Hai Group continues the increase in the share of, is expected to maintain a high level of stability in operation. At the same time, become a team advance the cause, with sharp's LCD Panel development technology and installation of Hon Hai group productivity, integration, and with the help of the two companies brought about by the scale of the main parts of a stable supplyAnd so on, is expected to further improve cost competitiveness. Has just mentioned, large LCD TV sharp after North America, China, promotion in other major markets in the world. Through this cooperation, marketing activities will become more rapid, forceful. Hon Hai group, facing the implementation of commissioned (ODM) business of television manufacturers, will further promote the Sakai factoryMore than 60 inch large TV. Sharp also discuss "the strengthening of small LCD" topics such as, speed up the two companies complement each other. Across the electronics business around, with the advance of digital and global competition intensifying, and accompanied by a sharp fall in the price of market conditions become more severe. Against this background, in recent years, occurred in liquid crystal and semiconductorCooperation between the industry and the approximate line of business is not uncommon. Cooperation details sharp, not limited to the framework of nationality and profession, we believe that cooperation is the key to success, "can bring into full play the two sides complementing each other, establish partnerships across the globe", and based on the play "multiplying effect". Through this strategic cooperation, sharp's technology, coupled with the Hon Hai groupWith productivity, and ultimately cost-competitive with components and products to global markets more quickly. Specifically, this involves the following areas of cooperation. 1th is, to the sharp display products by Hon Hai group company (hereinafter referred to as "SDP") funded cooperation to achieve stability of the Sakai plant started, and to further strengthen cost competitiveness. In addition,On May 24, announced by Toppan printing, Japan printing business of LCD color filter integration with SDP, to further improve the cost competitiveness of the Sakai factory LCD Panel. These structural reforms, Sakai factory produced panels, Hon Hai group has to take part, so by virtue of the two companies after the joint production of scale benefits of scale and deployment of componentsTo achieve stability of the Sakai plant started. With regard to the investment ratios of the SDP, sharp, about 37.6%, he accounted for 37.6%, Toppan printing to 9.54%, Japan printing holding 5.7% for the 9.54%,SDP itself (May 24 published disarmament and Sony joint venture). On the operations of the Sakai factory, sharp and Hon Hai group as a unifiedTeam to advance the business. The 2nd is, to the Hon Hai group of private placement. Hon Hai group rights object, through third-party allotment of new shares issued in the form. Shares amount to 120 million shares. Sales in the six-year 2006 China China occupies a total of 19.1%, second only to America, ranked third in Europe link, and 3 years later in 2009, accounting for more than30%, surpassing the America, Europe, and became the first. By 2011 this data will rise to 37.9%, sharp's total overseas sales has been exceeded by more than one-third. If in 2012 to reach a goal of $ 60 billion, increased percentage of 46.3%, China will account for overseas sales ratio of nearly half. Because of this, as the cause of ChinaExpand our established business in China in October last year the company "Sharpe (China) Investment Corporation", and officially began operations. China bears sharp responsibilities at corporate headquarters. "Sharpe (China) Investment Co Ltd", first of all to respond to rapidly changing market in China, from the establishment was set up at the beginning of the health, environment and information and communication, the two key businessesThis part, plays an important role of frontline command in advancing the cause. In addition, to the end of the field-type business model transition, we had to transfer the design, product planning, research and development departments to business within the company, and strive to enrich our product development system in response to market demand in China. From the recently acquired the first CMM survey, sharp LCD TVsSales is that number of shares of 10.4% (fourth), amount of shares for 17.1% (the first). Through expansion of large LCD TV sales results, especially the more than 60-inch large TV, number of shares of 80.1% (first), share amounts to 76.7% (first), occupy a very high market share, can be said to be absolutelyOn the leading market share. Deepening the PIN at the same time, with the growth of small and medium flat panel monitor total strongholds and commissioned production of the sharp point of the domestic sales, exports, 2011 sharp in China compared to the size of the previous year is still positive growth in 2012, we will strive to achieve double-digit growth targets. (An interview with reporter yanweiActing) [scroll] Lenovo release sport mobile applications "run mad" (06-10) [scroll] rebate sites suspected pyramid scheme no regulatory experts call for legislation as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] weekend news review: Apple's developers Conference, pushing a variety of Mac products (06-10: 45) [scroll] Internet guy "plane collision": bullish on mobile Web applications (06-10) [scroll] electric pandas 35 billion in betting on China's first "ten-line" question (06-10) [scroll] Hai bin can reduce costs in cooperation with sharp LCD Panel (06-10: 59) [scroll of]EMC data path: $ 2.5 billion years research and development funds (06-10) [scroll] sky network: network of two or three lines of urban real estate gold rush (06-10) [scroll] Samsung booth was high winds hit the collapse injured 7 part-time students (06-10)[Scroll] Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third (06-10) [scroll] Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable smart display (06-10) [scroll] Kai-Fu Lee set off a war of words with the non-you be the navel is network attacks (06-10) [Scroll] Apple Developers Conference, eight points: pushing a variety of Mac products (06-10) [scroll] the non-you be the Boss about Kai-Fu Lee, program group control (06-10) [scroll] 0.5% home appliance sales rose only in May this year the country (06-10) [scroll] or acquired Investment Bank said Nokia and Microsoft are potential buyers of Samsung (06-10) [rolling]Android Oracle once again lost the battle: were sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees (06-10) [scroll] 85% hard drive Seagate and Western Digital monopoly market or have reached thePrice Alliance (06-10) [scroll] Apple will launch at the WWDC Conference television software development tools (06-10) [scroll] reported 2015 film movie production on a global scale (06-10) [scroll] Intel plans in virtual TV serviceIncrease in facial recognition feature (06-10) [scroll] Google will close the Meebo service next month and the integration of Google (06-10) [scroll] United States must combat child pornography network: 190 persons arrested 18 persons have been rescued (06-10) [scroll]Lenovo plans overseas expansion server (06-10) [scroll] stores under the luxury electric Avenue v setting out (06-10) [rolling]Facebook "spells": netqin issuance plans fell through (06-10) [scroll] sharp head of China: HongSea cooperation can complement each other (06-10) [scroll] China car rental aggressive expansion: 95% ratio has been questioned (06-10) [scroll] move the base index The Great Change: user complaints to replace income (06-10) [rolling]IBM head of software business:Learn to cooperate with competitors (06-10) [scroll] Wangfujing department store, with revenue growth goals for the second time 70% (06-10) [scroll] commercial bank optimistic about Zhongguancun science and technology startups in the financial services markets (06-10) [scroll] economic observer: bad reviewDelete clean praise meaningless (06-10) [scroll] three factors forced Jingdong IPO d round of financing difficulty caused by low gross margin (06-10) [scroll] health product B2C experience pain of the channel (06-09) [scroll] online enterprise to sea "the gold rush" (06-09) [scroll] "e-commerce" new variants into a pyramid scheme (06-09) [scroll] China business: bloody expansion (06-09) [scroll] potatoes, youku study on micro-film and commercial potential (06-09) [scroll] sophist from AmazonHow far (06-09) mobile video revenue last year exceeded 1 billion | To quantify the purpose of performance-related pay system | Review of weak growth in core business: loss of revenue and profit growth to slow high end users clearly | Data services into a centralized review of corruption: Apple introduced Apple TV software development tool | WillDisplay operating systems Apple is about to release iOS 6 news the TV Samsung Microsoft also highlights potential buyers interested in buying Nokia iOS 6 confirmation appears at WWDC 2012 (map) News Apple pushing TV software at the Developer Conference next month will close the Meebo development tools news GoogleServices integrated with Google News non-you be the guest of the bad words about Kai-Fu Lee program group called out us must network against child pornography on the Internet: 190 were arrested 18 people rescued in Internet consumer rebate site Fujian CEO Victor Koo surrendered the Internet response to the collapse of network advertising have long questioned: compared to foreign countries has been very gentleCommunication Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third communications, Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable monitor communication between intelligent investment bank said Nokia or Samsung acquired Microsoft IT head of IBM software business in the industry are potential buyers: learn to cooperate with competitors IT industry Android battle bonesFailure again: was sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees IT industry association plans overseas expansion depth of server market with attitude | Victor Koo: excellent cool advertising than slim the appearance of foreign short Apple patent revealing the secrets of computer city renovation market Office to Microsoft online

actually there are only 10 places every year

129836519670468750_423Hit 400 million by sponsoring the National Futures company executives on read-Fudan EMBA "Friendship-sponsored National Futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange Company executives to read Fudan EMBA. "Yesterday, Twitter users" Cao Shanshi "this information is frequently forwarded. Online calculation, according to the Business Department of more than 1000 companies throughout the country to be, future will cost $ 400 million a year on. But last night during the relevant persons to modern news reporters, this training did exist, but are notAll sales are, but there are only 10 places. Cut out more than 4 million a year on training of 10 futures Executive cut by 400 million to the Member read EMBA? "The Futures Exchange was gold! "Netizens" Cao Shanshi "a Twitter yesterday claimed that:" Shanghai Futures Exchange to distribute red packets, Fudan, friendship-sponsored National Futures company executives to read eMBA。 490,000 tuition, futures company 1 person only needs to 80,000, other exchanges. Sponsorship amount more than high, and Pratt and Whitney wide--each futures company sales outlets can be recommended. "Netizens" Yi Ye Xiangshan "means, if the country over more than 1000 futures sales places in each one, period on the initiative at a cost of 400 million – this is the wool from sheepWas it? Netizen "Futures little demon" official site, it is taken from the people, used to executives. Another user "Mulberry-picking" question: "why do executives read EMBA themselves do not pay, and to exchange money? "But friends say:" Exchange every year to earn so much money, took out some money for futures companies should be. "Cut out more than 4 million annual training10 "rumors on the Internet is completely wrong, not every business is certainly someone read the EMBA, actually there are only 10 places every year, recommended by the futures company, and examination, passed before he could be admitted. "Last night, that are related to the modern period on news reporters to provide a report on the training activities of the internal circular, and made a clarification on this matter. HeGel, actually had begun training from 2009, which has trained more than 40 people. As we all know, EMBA has always been known as the "noble course", a year will be hundreds of thousands of. Yesterday, confirmed on Twitter that cost-sharing issues, that is, $ 490,000 in tuition fees imposed on 410,000, personal and recommended by only 80,000Yuan. "2010 EMBA costs as long as 418,000, rose to 490,000 this year, it is charged by the school. "The person said. As calculated in accordance with 10 people a year, cut out more than 4 million Yuan to the Futures Exchange year EMBA company culture. A futures company Executive told reporters that he had been recommended to participate in entrance examination last year, but in the end was not accepted。 Causes: Exchange-why pay for the futures company? A futures companies who said, Member of the Futures Exchange have contributed so much profit, who in turn is member services should be. According to the 2010 Shanghai Futures Exchange fee income of up to $ 17.093 billion, far more than the sum of the two great stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen (137. $ 5.6 billion). Plus the HKFE in Zhengzhou and Dalian Futures Exchange, three fee income amounting to $ 24.069 billion. Looking back at the futures company too is not "harmony". Only in terms of Jiangsu Province, according to the latest data of the futures industry association, Jiangsu Province, about 90 futures Sales Department in the province during the first 4 months have suffered overall losses on 2 months, with total losses in JanuaryAmounted to $ 5.3547 million, $ 1.1175 million losses in April, 4 months before the cumulative net profit of only $ 15.69 million, net profit was only of average sales of more than 170,000 yuan, one person future lament, the money is not enough even to pay employees. [Scroll] Beijing railway tender change to decentralization is intended to attract private capital (06-09) [scroll] electricity regulatory Commission is to develop rules of the funding or visit (06-09) [scroll] Bank of central banks cut interest rates again under pressure (06-09) [scroll] guoguangchangpanshi Yi who would sell "sovereignty" (06-09) [scroll] reorganization of jade cargoHappen or by the bankruptcy (06-09) [scroll] Haida silver Peng Hua high shares in the second inquiry "bought" (06-09) [scroll] "88 spell" waves of redemption of the reconstruction fund institutions "kill" (06-09) [scroll] Chongqing iron and steel into assetsNot built (06-09) [scroll] "new 36" asymptotic civil capital rules "entry" Countdown (06-09) [scroll] jiaduobao ultimate business competition in the market of Guangzhou pharmaceutical (06-09) [scroll] change times: China's retail industry to hold warmth (06-0900:02) [scroll] Wanda tourism real estate "examination" (06-09) [scroll] cut of "burden lightening" 200 billion of stable growth with intent to strengthen (06-09) [scroll] coal enterprises take the initiative to find the customer imported coal hits the market (06-09) [scroll]United art investment or disguise funds in question (06-09) [scroll] Xiang Junbo managed insurance companies invest the new deal (06-09) [scroll] European stocks closed down France CAC index fell by 0.63% (06-09) [scroll] South beauty mist listing (06-0900:01) [scroll] waves of restructuring in the car industry hit (06-09) [scroll] looking for new balance of direct election of the Chairman of the Trade Union labour relations (06-09) [scroll] supervision by the SFC and the Hong Kong-like restaurant listings (06-09) [scroll] Saab takeover ' Iceman 'Young regret exit (06-09) [scroll] "by abdominal" Nanjing Changan "long horse" key joint venture (06-09) [scroll] Beijing to 60,000 electronic eye monitoring waste oils (06-09) [scroll] Shenhua 30 billion thermal power project approval of obstacle in Jiangxi (06-09) [scroll] Shanxi: Highway "great leap forward" (06-09) [scroll] new judicial interpretation of the Bankruptcy Act intends to expand the scope of debtors ' property (06-09) [scroll] were major shareholders to sell cars in the hippocampus prospect worrying (06-09) [scroll]Ni Kaiming "departure" popular revolution in China (06-09) [scroll] contractor revealed that Jerry has become the unspoken rules of the highway construction industry (06-09) [scroll] investment impulse ungovernable "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction targets poor (06-09) [scroll] protectionDetermining the "flexible retirement" research timetable (06-09) [scroll] Sino-US financial regulation say competition for upgrade (06-09) [scroll] Housing Ministry intended to encourage commercial housing building "dahua" from (06-09) [scroll] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workersNo longer qualify for dividends (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: National Bank assets totaled 105.8 trillion yuan at the end of last year (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: strengthening regional systemic risks (06-08) [scroll] Germany April monthly both import and export decline(06-08) [Scroll] Dato Timothy:APEC will continue to play an important role in the region (06-08) [scroll] eurozone collapse collapse (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | UnitCity impact | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Thematic NetEase finance week picture collection [financeBy] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [share] two fundsOut of the 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages 20Young or 36,000 bonds cancel issuing [finance] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

sales fall. HTC hard more than that

129836407513281250_86HTC lowered second-quarter revenue and earnings expectations Business News (reporter Wu Chenguang) because European demand was not up to expectations, combined with Apple's patent disputes delayed the United States market shipment yesterday diablo iii power level, HTC lowered its revenue and profit forecasts. HTC expects revenue of approximately US $ 3 billion in the second quarter, an April forecast of lower 13%, operating profit rate cut from 11% per cent. This is the HTC threeSince second quarter cut expected, under the influence of this, its share price decline in a row. And with the next-generation iPhone is coming, will force the other handset manufacturers continue to cut prices, HTC, if not cut prices squeezed profits, sales fall. HTC hard more than that, Microsoft also working to exclude Windows8 in next-generation mobile operating systemAddition to the list. Microsoft's explanation for this is that lack of sales on the market taking into account the HTC tablet computer, and the experience is rich enough. In addition, HTC also supply shortage problem facing chip high-throughput. As once the internationally renowned manufacturers diablo iii power leveling, under oppression of competitors such as Apple, HTC and now is becoming difficult.

get the ball to the vote in

129828577697500000_72Janeway full rivers hold hands [sleeves] outburst of tacit understanding: a formidable it is hard to cope Yeah sporting May 30: according to the report in the ring world, in East finals opener, Celtic with heat stalemate half time, but from the beginning of the third section, when Le Blanc and Dwyane Wade when the outburst with a formidable, Celtic will also resist heat of his campaign. Change of the situation, often from a round of attacks began. Wade caught after rebound, Sent a shot across the whole feed under the Le Blanc, relaxation and APE arm which light easily end the attack. Yes, the attack but won by two points, but the attack was for the heat they need power. Single section down, heat win opponents 11, with a double-digit lead into the fourth. In recent weeks, between Le Blanc and Dwyane Wade combined withNot uncommon, especially in the last four games since Bruce Poch injuries truce, the two rush issued a control-level power, every game can play premium data. With Walker's fourth game, two people cut down 70 points v game they cut down to 58 points; 69 under sixth game of their gunfire. Yesterday with the Celtic match, both to get their 54, team winning the first. Now, who would say Le Blanc and Dwyane Wade does not call? Dance Duet between the two men meet the limit has been reached. Le Blanc said: "now on the pitch, we feel more comfortable, no matter who came with us. We make every effort to complement, we get energy from each other, we can always remain in attack mode, help usTeam win. Now we are in a very high degree of comfort level, we have this momentum needs to be maintained. "Wade also said:" I think we're doing quite well on the interaction, we are both very aggressive, when we shoot a able to find opportunities in or attract when the package folder, and one can also know what to do. WeNow performance great, two of us playing together a lot. We can both the ball in attack, either hands the ball or a ball, we are threatened, we just need to put this momentum can be maintained. "Le Blanc and Dwyane Wade broke out, in fact, is helpless, Pos, after all, was unable to play. If the heat you want to go farther, Le Blanc and Wade can only enhance attackFire, fill vacancies left by the Pos. "We had to have the tactical implementation of better because after Bruce Poch injuries stopped, we can't find another player, gave him the ball and then rest assured that told him to say ' Hey, get the ball to the vote in, '" Wade says, "it is clear that we have now adopted a lot of pick and roll and low attack, but we had to have the tactical execution of better,To the vision of better shooting, because we have lost a every field you can cut 20 players. "Le Blanc and Wade are not just on the offensive end strong, defensive end they also proved himself but best outside defensive player in the League. Celtic coach Doug-the rivers but says: "Le Blanc and Wade their defense level, I think two people in a formidablePass the ball, and do well, they like Indian Civets. We know before entering this series, but by just watching a video doesn't do me much good, you get to feel in the game. I think their speeds sometimes completely overwhelmed us. ��

Thursday, June 28, 2012

so I was very happy to see them in the final. "Zidane has said

129836429968906250_186Benzema: looking forward to the finals beating Spain I'm not France football banner Yeah sporting on June 8: France team for the European Cup Benzema has recently accepted the Marka exclusive interview, Real Madrid striker said he believes France can do something at this European Cup, eventually winning the Championship. The Marka newspaper: Benzema hope to win the European Cup champion Branco coaching France team has enabled many young players, Benzema that thisMean France football overall rejuvenation. "This is obviously a very talented group of young, we have played a leading role. We are very well aware of this click here, because we've worked with over the years. "Widely believed that Spain is the strength of the most powerful teams in the competition, Benzema agrees. "Spain is the best, it has been proved the strongestAnd at the same time is one of my favorite team. However, each team is likely to be defeated, everyone wants to be a winner. "Think Spain teams are the strongest, then Benzema confidence rate France beat Spain team? Real Madrid striker said on this: "the final defeating Spain? Yes, I want to do that, that would be great. I love this country and thePlayer, and I play in the Primera Liga League, Real Madrid has a lot of friends and colleagues, so I was very happy to see them in the final. "Zidane has said, Benzema has now become France football banner of new figures, testimonials of the older generation, Benzema is very humble, he believes he has not reached the heights. "I do not know is not the case, thisSome things have to go, of course, then again, this is quite natural. Slowly over time, we will see if so. All along France leader: Michel Platini, Zinedine Zidane forth sth I am not afraid of the pressure, however, is a closely associated group, everyone can lead to introduce the ball forward. ��

[scroll] wuliangye establishment of marketing reform group to clean up the OEM brand

129838017172500000_17Sea front May sell $ 41.2 billion in a full year sales target 60% NetEase finance, June 10 after rising sharply in April|diablo 3 power leveling, May, China overseas (00688,HK) for micro-rose. According to the latest results for the May show, real estate sales by May 2012 $ 12.31 billion ($ 10.08 billion yuan), at the end of May diablo 3 power leveling, the Group has completed the sales target for the year of 62.88%. 20May 12, China overseas to make HK $ 12.31 billion in real estate sales, sales area of 755,000 square, up rose and 1.5% only. In April, China overseas 40% rose exceed the sales area. 2012 1, accumulated overseas real estate sales in China 50.3 billion Hong Kong dollars (converted to41.19 billion yuan), an increase of 25.5%, total sales area of 2.964 million square meters, an increase of 21.6%. By the end of May, the Group has completed the sales target for the year of 62.88%. As of now, China's overseas sales completed in the annual target is a listed company on the high, but a few days ago on the general meeting of shareholders, their mainI Kong Qingping said, although there have been some real estate to fine-tune policies, overall, but still is not enough, the worst of the property market did not last. Still not raised its target for the whole year. He said that in this environment, you can accomplish the objectives for the year would be good. Data show that in May, China overseas in the Yangtze River Delta area of growth for sales and sales siteThe fastest, and regions with the most sales, sales amounted to HK $ 4.596 billion, an increase of 154.49%, while the sales floor area of 203,700 square meters, an increase of 196.94%; the North area of the sales area for up to, their sales floor area of 228,100 square meters, an increase of 19.24%. In addition to companyLand area, May not have added land reserves. This year count storage 2.745 million square meters of land, with added interest reserve 2.577 million square meters of land. 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