Saturday, February 25, 2012

runescape items CBRC figures show - RKX

129742938747968750_2CBRC figures show, nearly 40% per cent increase, record average daily net profits to 2.85 billion banking regulator according to the information released on February 17, 2011 $ 113.28 trillion in total assets of banking institutions in China last year, an increase of 18.9%. Commercial Bank net profit more than trillion yuan, up to 1041$ 200 million, an all-time.   According to this calculation, commercial banks make every day an average of about $ 2.85 billion last year.   Rise in net profit last year of nearly 40% in accordance with the classification of China Banking Regulatory Commission, China's commercial banks include large banks, joint-stock banks, city commercial banks, rural commercial banks and foreign banks. Data show that as of 2011 IVQuarter of commercial bank's net profit last year reached 1.0412 trillion yuan, 763.7 billion over the same period last year to $ 36.3%;, 19.3% non-interest income ratio, comparing the three quarter 2011, has declined.   According to this calculation, commercial banks last year day "gold" 2.853 billion yuan. In response to this growth, the Central FinanceUniversity finance Professor Guo Tianyong had previously said in an interview with this newspaper, although the overall profits of commercial banks is very high, but from the perspective of growth than in 2005 and 2006, profit growth rate reached 50% per cent of the banking industry at that time, some small and medium-sized banks increase even as high as 100% per cent. Small rebound in bad loans released toData also shows that last quarter of 2011, banks ' non-performing loans for $ 427.9 billion cheap runescape items, relatively late in the third quarter increased by $ 20.1 billion.   Bad loan ratio rose from the end of the third quarter of 0.9% per cent, down from 1.1% last year. It is reported that the suspicious loans in bad loans and subprime loans accounted for the vast majority. All commercial banks, rural commercialBanks and big banks ' non-performing loan ratios and 1.6%, respectively, above average; in addition, quarter provision of banking institutions coverage increased to 278.1%, core capital ratio increased to 10.2%, capital adequacy ratio is 12.7%, are higher than the level in the same period last year. Yang Rong, analyst at CITIC construction believe that 2012Economic growth centers next move, Bank regulatory environment needs to relax, especially capital regulation.   Earlier media reports said, the CBRC will be moderately relaxed scheduled for 2012, the implementation of new banking capital adequacy standards. Media cumulative calculation "Black Dragon", 18th, reports reached 2.65 trillion yuan in net profit last year of commercial banks in China,Online controversy online. Some scholars point out that, which made a statistical error, mistakenly equate annual profit by quarter of profit and at the end.   After the report is deleted. Institute of the Central University of finance and finance Professor Han Fuling pointed out on Twitter yesterday, the CBRC statistics are at the end of each quarter of the profit, four-quarter data close at the end of the year data, coupled with investment collectionMake minor adjustments such as Yi.   The report at the end of four quarters of data for each of the four quarters of profit simple addition to come up with an impressive figure of $ 2.65 trillion for the year. Extension of banking "windfall" focus on commercial banks profits have broken message triggered another trillion to the public last year for banking "windfall" issue of concern. PreviouslyMinsheng Bank (600,016) Governor of Hong Qi in "2011 global entrepreneurs Forum" truth on Bank profits are too high, himself, "I'm sorry" announced China Centre for international economic exchanges, Mr Chan said in an interview with Deputy Secretary General, per capita net income of the Bank is 12 times of industrial enterprises. Guo Tianyong had told this newspaper that, from 2003 years since the reforms began, Bank-high growth rates.   Because of the high entry threshold, interest rates there is no market, banking industry relative strength of the party, exist relative monopolistic problem, its profitability, but have a certain degree of rationality and relative. In his view, to change the profit situation in the banking sector runescape items, should break the State-owned commercial banks on the one hand and a large silverMonopoly, reducing barriers to financial institutions while promoting the reform of interest rate marketization. But under the current market-oriented reform of interest rates that are difficult to accomplish, banks may consider appropriate to reduce bank interest rates to balance the interests of all parties concerned, such as the Bank cut interest rates through unilateral or bilateral and carry out 0.5%-cent buy runescape items, or transfer of a portion of profits to enterprise resident. Others:

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