Saturday, February 25, 2012

rs items for sale as well as by the United States Central Bank today reduced the double lift - OMD

129742939372187500_389From the positions, high low open main was long due to the high end, this indicates that the current market environment is not strong, is expected to even the beans will remain volatile in the short term, short-term thinking is recommended as the primary rs items for sale, early form can continue to hold. External description: bean exports increased demand by the United States and South America weather worries lift, beauty bean prices continue to rise on Friday, on Monday the United States"Presidents Day" will be closed. Domestic market Description: by the people's Bank of China announced Saturday from February 24 per cent reserve message, boosted by domestic commodity markets generally higher in early trading today, and then commodity markets were some selling pressure, most merchandise-MarketWatch, pulses as well. As of closing, and even beans 1209 closed at 4,427, micro-Advanced 0.23%, and soybean meal 1209 closed at 3,072, end up 0.46%. Fundamental message: 1, macro-areas: central banks announce reduced reserve requirements 0.5% on Saturday, it was quite unexpected for this market, however, contact a few days ago the premier claimed that economic adjustment trimmer will begin in the first quarter of this year, should be, the dropAlso there is a certain aura. From the overall performance of today's commodity futures, the message to the market is good, but limited compared to the level of the good. 2, fundamental aspects: XI Jinping, Vice President of Chinese trade mission last week United States, visit the delegation of China and the United States signed a contract of a certain volume of imports, such as 15th in the United States in Iowa signed 8.62 million tons, 17th in Los Angeles signed a purchase agreement of nearly 4.8 million tons buy runescape items, 13.42 million tonnes to about US $ 6.7 billion. Sino-US trade contract was signed to a large extent to boost market confidence in the US export of beans, and dry weather in South America is further to the bulls in the market, under the influence of two main good news, beauty bean prices steadily move the center of gravity in the near future. Is expected in the short termMarket demand for soybean exports to the United States, and future market needs to focus on South American weather. Also important to take note of is, of course, on Thursday and Friday United States Department of agriculture will meet for their annual prospects Forum, twelve-thirteenths market will be the annual United States crop acreage forecast, that is the United States Department of agriculture acreage in the baseline report is expectedAdjusted data, therefore needs to be concerned about. Outlook action: 1209 even beans bean rose runescape items, as well as by the United States Central Bank today reduced the double lift, but is still unable to break through it today price opened 44,501 line pressure and price shocks in the late fall, but judging from positions, high low open main was long due to the high end, this indicates that the current market empty struggleWai is not strong, is expected to even the beans will remain volatile in the short term, short-term thinking is recommended as the primary, early form can continue to hold. Huang Yinyan gold in beans analyst online statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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