Saturday, February 25, 2012

rs items for sale - RHJ

129742938960468750_1Editor's Note: under the influence of 3 consecutive years of drought, declining output of traditional Chinese medicine in Yunnan province, rising prices of more than more than 200 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in the province. According to Xinhua, head of medicine in Yunnan province Chamber of Commerce, yields have fallen sharply directly lead to a spike in the price of Chinese medicinal materials. According to the medicine in Yunnan province Chamber of commerce statistics, varieties of Chinese medicinal materials of 80% are currently on the market price, the average annual riseSite about 30%. Medicine in Yunnan province Chamber of Commerce estimates that current drought continues in Yunnan, of Chinese medicinal material supply situation will last rs items for sale, or will continue to rise in the price of Chinese medicinal materials. Industry analysts believe that the rising prices of Chinese herbal medicines or fire-related stocks speculation, sinking track for a long time Chinese stocks are expected to rise. CIC securities: traditional Chinese medicine chemical raw materials and tracking--originalDrugs have merchant category: industry research: researcher CIC securities limited liability company in China: Zhou Rui, date: 2012-01-05 investment advice: vitamin product weaker price trend has not changed, the overall downturn, 2012 focus on vitamin c, antibiotics are still in the bottom, demand season not brought raw materials pricesRose, further observation. GF (000776 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading): short-term rebound in the market of Chinese medicinal materials, individual varieties of slightly higher category: industry research institutes: guangfa securities company limited researchers: Ge Zheng, He Juying date: 2012-01-04 Chinese medicinal materials markets stage to pick up,Individual prices price of our update on the surveillance of medicinal herbs variety, summarized as follows: 1, focused on monitoring in 13 varieties of herbs, honeysuckle, Borneol and sugar prices fell, 37, Tuckahoe, pseudostellaria heterophylla, Angelica sinensis, Radix codonopsis prices slightly higher, other varieties of price stability. We believe is due to early cause short-term rise in the price of medicines market windStill buy runescape items, there was no businesses expected the selling spree due to near the end of the loan, part of the drug stock out of the air, holding the leisure capital, hoarding desire to strengthen leading market appeared staged to pick up, we expect both medicines market will maintain its current production and sales by the end of the individual prices will continue to rise. 2, expected future prices rose varieties are: building, Chinese caterpillar fungus�� Variety of expected future prices: pseudostellaria heterophylla, and honeysuckle and Poria, Angelica. Other varieties will remain strong or high volatile. 3, dispense basic price there is no suspense of Chinese medicinal materials in the second half, cost pressures gradually ease of pharmaceutical enterprises, refer to the reduction of varieties of medicinal plants as well as the impact of drugs on company profits, we believe that good business is:Chinese medicine Jiang (600,750 valuation, evaluation, market information cheap runescape items, the major trading), Kang edge pharmacy (600,557 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), CR 39 (000999 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading), the daughter of drug industry (600,479 valuation, evaluation, market information, the major trading).Pseudostellaria heterophylla: short-term price rebound, future price still will is continued down of channel in the short-term continues to rebound, long-term view we judge long-term down situation does not variable, reason is as follows: history price: near 10 years of price are in 50 Yuan/kg following; supply situation: three a main origin spread species area about for 50%, each acres income 1~2 million Yuan, economic value high; needs situation: High concentration of lower demand, the company staged production or production control requirements; else experience similar varieties of honeysuckle, as spread kind of area prices fell rapidly. Recommendations focus on Chinese medicine Jiang. ����Risk of prices with a protracted and tortuous, long-term impact on enterprises, need to rationally. Online statement Gold: Gold-line reprint of the aboveContent does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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